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You made us eat there so now you have to listen to us talk about it! Oh also we're joined by 'Audio Gourmand' Casey Toney!



as an australian who’s understanding of american cuisine and dining culture is about to become entirely based off this episode - it’s safe to say i’m excited


As a fellow Aussie, hopefully there's no "shrimp on the barbie" quote


i HOPE there’s some terrible attempts at australian accents


For the next Review Crew, I will VERY HIGHLY recommend you check out The Mysterious Benedict Society on D+. I think Erin in particular will love it because it's got a similar energy to Lemony Snicket.


What JPC did to the last bits of his strawberry lemonade, I do with the last dregs my iced coffees. So I didn't judge him. ;)


Now I want a bloomin onion. Guess I know what lunch is tomorrow.


The fact that, after consuming multiple appetizers, entrees, and cocktails, Adal decided to cap off the evening by ordering a nice big beer…boggles my mind. Is he Andre the Giant??


They mention the year it was created (1988) and that it feels like an improv choice is funny because it kind of is. Two years earlier in 1986 was the movie Crocodile Dundee whose popularity is said to be the inspiration for the chain.


I would say go to a Texas roadhouse as a comparison. Much more ambiance and better tasting bloomin onion.


It was cool to hear that Elizabeth went with Sean and Erin. I'm glad we got some audio from both groups too. So many fun moments in this episode

Erin Kelly

Bloomin onions are flawed because they are perfect little oil reservoirs. The last one I had was sitting in a pool of oil. Onion petals are the far superior fried onion treat imo. Bite-sized and wonderful. Also, the it-factor of the bloomin sauce is horseradish, also in Arby's horsey sauce I think. Horseradish dips are very good.


Forgot the S M L


I have misophonia and was wondering if this episode includes recording from the actual meal, or are they just talking about it after the fact? Thanks!


They only talked about their experience, no actual eating in the episode (I think there was a short recording of a reaction from Casey/JPC/Adal but there wasn't much of eating/drinking sounds iirc)