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Let us know which situation YOU would rather find yourself in! 


Elizabeth Teeter

1 episode of a TV show does not equal a movie. Also there are way more good movies than good TV shows.

Evan Cordero

Did a variation of the condiment question when I was in high school. Only we said they shot out of your nipples. So you only had two options as to what you could pick. I picked hot sauce and ranch so you can get that combo


I would go for movies in a heartbeat. What a relief to be free of the need to keep up with TV! And Adal and JPC are fools. Eat the bricks gradually over a period of years and you're still making a cool 2 million

The Real Kal-El

Movies> TV, sorry Erin I don't understand or trust myself either


Rashomon was the movie Adal was describing. No one said it and they just moved on.


Imagine starting a new job where everyone guesses your weight and every chair they offer you collapses out from under you. It would be an HR nightmare and for that alone I'd pick those two.

Devon Hein

Turkey breakfast hash, come on y'all!

Step UP 2 The Mike

As someone with really bad GERDS, stop eating before bed. You may think it is fine now till you're freebasing tums in the middle of the night for relief.


Erin - agreed, 100%.

Nadine Garcia

I have to agree with Erin. I only ever watch TV shows. I almost never watch movies and when I do they’re too fast paced for me to enjoy them


100% tv shows. Movies are fun every once in a while but to get me through day to day? I need TV