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Wait a second, TWO episodes in one week? What the hell is going on here? Well, the hell is this: we did two live shows in two days and wanted to share them with you! This one was recorded at Union Stage in Washington DC on September 7th, 2022. The first hour is riddles and the last part is some DC based games. Enjoy!



Oh man. I wish I'd read the comments before listening to this one. That interaction was upsetting to listen to. I know this was like half a year ago at this point, but. 😕 it made ME feel panicked. I know this was probably an off night for them, but it was a bummer to hear my comfort podcast like this. I hope Ryan is all good and doesn't blame himself. Props to Erin for being aware and trying to get them to chill. I'll probably skip the rest of the episode.

Kara Quinn

Gotta be honest after an hour in this becomes a bit.. hard to listen to. What a wild energy for audience riddles lol


Is the Pilsbury Doughboy an animal? ‘Cause that horny little dude is always asking to be poked.

Domenic Romanello

horniest talking animal gotta be roger rabbit cmon that’s his whole mo


Erin was on comedy bang bang, and was fantastic!

Tashen Govender

That poor audience member. I really hope he was okay after that. Couldn’t stop thinking about him and just stopped listening after that. I really love you guys usually but that was harsh Adal and JPC 😞

Ryan Peterson

I'm OK, although it took me a while to process this. I was too flustered to talk straight and choose way too complex of a riddle. I don't hold anything against them. I am bummed I did entirely tank the vibe of the show. Still working up the courage to listen to Hey Riddle Riddle again and most definitely not listening to this one.

Tashen Govender

Thank you so much for responding – I’m so glad to hear from you. Honestly, you did a great job and in my opinion it wasn’t your responsibility to hold up the vibe. Going up there must have taken so much courage – it’s something I definitely don’t think I could have done. I really hope you don’t shoulder too much blame or feel any guilt, this is totally on Adal and JPC. I’ve heard them be a bit mean in a comedic way to audience members reading riddles but this was different for some reason and just struck me as a bit strange. The riddle was a bit complex but they went overboard. I was hoping they maybe tracked you down after the show and apologised or something. Either way, I’m also taking a bit of a break from HRR (just when a Janet episode dropped 😞). I was doing my second listen-through of all their Patreon episodes as well but… this soured me a tiny bit. All the best, Ryan! You’re awesome. ☺️


Hi! Just wanted to day your riddle was not deserving of that response, and you did not tank the vibe. I hope they see you in here and personally apologize. Adal, mostly. Like I love this show, this is not an attack on them but I just couldn’t imagine how when erin was begging them to stop they just banged on. Idk all in all you did awesome and stood your ground when ai would have cried, so yeah i’m just very admiring of you honestly. You did amazing.


Hey it’s alright, you did a great job despite being nervous and you didn’t detract from the show. The boys clearly weren’t picking up on how you were feeling so I think they just kept the crazy energy going right at you when they could’ve slowed down a moment to let you talk lol. I think they were trying to have banter with you in a fun way but didn’t realize it wasn’t the best time for that and just kept trying. it must’ve been so overwhelming, like fr I know I would’ve been so flustered as well. But you didn’t do anything wrong and I don’t think adal or jpc were trying to make you feel bad but they definitely made an overwhelming situation like way harder. Don’t let this get you down, your riddle was great too I think a whole set of those would be really fun


Ryan you did great, you didn't even sound flustered! And that was such a cool riddle. Nobody would blame you if you did hold something against them. Felt like a real "don't meet your heroes" kind of moment, which is such a bummer (for you more than anyone, but for all of us too!). I'm sorry Adal bullied you, that was totally undeserved. I would have started crying right then!


Yikes, kind of scared to listen now


I would legit skip this bc it’s good and then Boom and it just isn’t worth it 😔


oof I feel bad for Ryan and Erin, I hope Adal+JPC realized that it really wasn't appropriate to treat an audience member like that. It was a too-tough riddle (an interesting one though), but that gave no excuse to relentlessly trash on a crowd volunteer! I appreciate Erin not joining in, that bullying energy was awful even if it was unintentional.


Dude, your riddle was a little too hard for a live audience but under normal circumstances it would be a great riddle. Im sorry he treated you like that, you didn't deserve that.

Seth de San Jose

Adal was straight up an asshole during audience riddles like what the fuck? definitely not the energy I wanna see from y’all. Like he just bullied a fan and was surprised when they left the microphone, I woulda left a lot sooner.


I love y'all a lot, but this made me re-think whether I want to come to a live show (or even send in my own riddles, tbh). Erin was lovely and handled the awkward situation with a lot of grace as always, but I think maybe Adal and JPC let their egos take over. (And forgive me for saying so, but Adal did sound a little drunk and maybe that made him lessen filter & lose the consideration he usually has for strangers.) An understandable mistake? Sure, but it still gives me reservations about wanting to interact with you guys. I could say more, because I have a lot of feelings on this, but it's not really my place, so... yeah, I hope Ryan received an apology aneeventually feels comfortable listening to HRR again.