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This is our live show in NYC from September 6th, 2022! The first hour is riddles and the last thirty minutes is a special live Hey Relationship Relationship! Thank you to everyone who came out and we hope to be back in NYC soon!


Jordin Ann

This episode is so funny I had to stop listening because I've been laughing out loud at work. 🤣


I’m so glad you recorded these! I didn’t know if the lack of live stream meant no audio.

Emily Poirier

can we get "miss, your panties are moist" on the soundboard? lmao

Kayla Kindig

I loved Erin's energy in this show. She seemed so genuinely happy to be there. Really lifted my spirits.


Erin and JPC saying "the walls of the house are the painting" and stuff has strong "you gave me cookie I got you cookie" from New Girl energy


The live show AUDIENCE MEMBERS coming up to the mic and asking question and doing banter with hey relationship relationship was really nice to listen too tbh! Like that energy was just noticeably different in a good way. Maybe it was just good audience members but regardless! Felt like I should point this out


This is one of the best episodes? How does this show just keep getting better???

Camilla Avellar

This was an incredible show! Several laugh out loud moments, the scenes were unbeatable. And having Tom Lum from Let’s Learn Everything come in with the limerick riddle felt like worlds colliding haha