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We decided to slow things down this month and take care of ourselves with the 3 top vote getters in our self-care poll! IN this episode we take a long bath, write a list of the things we love most about ourselves and Marie Kondo our closets! We hope you all are taking care of yourselves and if you are, let us know what works best for you!  

Let us also know in the comments if there's anything you'd like to see us put in the poll for March!



This was super good. I took a lot more from this than I thought I would. Thanks for making it!


Adal, I was listening to ep 77 today (from january 2020) and you said one of your goals for the year was to get rid of a bunch of stuff, and you suggested a 'hey rummage rummage' sale! just floating that back up into your brain in case you actually give away stuff at live shows :)

Abbie Howell

This was so lovely to listen to and made me feel very relaxed and happy. I really needed that after a stressful couple of weeks, so thank you! Well done Erin for sharing your list. We definitely need more women sharing what they're proud of!


This episode was a salve in difficult times. Thank you for the vulnerability - there was so much to connect with across all three of you. Erin, I also work very hard on central nervous system regulation. It is constant maintenance, but so essential. Yoga, meditation, baths, and weighted blankets, semi-regular massages all help a lot - little rituals for just me - but I recently tried sound baths and that was truuuuly incredible. Never in my life found it easier to be present and creative and exploratory while quiet and by myself. Much harder to do often and at home, but strongly recommend. On the opposite end, I really want to try a rage room to get a huge release of the stress buildup from constant fight or flight state.

Ronin Op F

This was a great RC episode, thank you all! Plenty of hilarity AND insight, and I think an episode like this truly shows the depth of what a RC episode could be. I really like that it can be a Princess Switch review podcast as well a lovely one like this episode. It's awesome to have it all!


Adult coloring books, candles on the edge of the bathtub while listening to fleet foxes, marijuana, tea, and sometimes animal crossing. 🖤 Also, very happy that Adal quoted some Mariah Carey in this ep. 🖤

Perri McGowan

Erin’s list though. Made me cry. So insightful and specific, introspective and kind. It’s so hard to think about what I like about myself sometimes, hearing someone else’s hard-won list is very wonderful.


this episode was wonderful. I would kill for one of adal's shirts :))


Hoo boy, the stuff about bathtubs not being made for people taller than 6 feet is true. One of my "stuff I'd get if I won the lottery" dreams is an enormous bathtub so I don't have to pick between keeping my legs or my entire upper half out of the water at any given time.


This inspired me to take a bath vs taking a shower like I always do and it was so weird but relaxing