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Hey everyone! Happy weekend! On this weeks chatterbox we take a quiz to find out what characters we are from fiction-spoiler alert one of us is death! We also chat about comfort characters and movies and answer some questions from the discord. If you have anything you want us to discuss check out the Chatterbox channel on our discord!


Finn Sparger

Confirming that I am truly a mix of Erin and Adal bc my tops included Liz Lemon and Chidi among others


I got Enid from Ghost World, Miss Havisham, and Holden Caufield 😕


Late to the party but 87.7% like Brian Johnson from The Breakfast Club and you know what, I’ll take it


I’ve taken this quiz twice, thinking I was answering differently, and still got 88% Shaggy from Scooby Doo. Looks like it’s time for me to get a dog


Top of my list was Jenna Hamilton from Awkward at 91.4%, which means I should probably never watch that show for fear of secondhand embarrassment


I got a lovely collection of overly serious characters, including Mr. Darcy and Klaus Baudelaire


Only part way listened but yes about the booster shots! I was lucky a nurse brought it up to me when I was at the clinic for something else. I would not have thought of it.

Joel Baguley

Just a little note about being super clumsy/a clutz. I'm the same Erin and that along with some other stuff got me a dyspraxia diagnosis. Might be worth looking it up! Makes you clumsy, affects memory, spacial awareness, understanding of direction and expressing what you mean.


My top one was at 85.9% - Liz Sherman from Hellboy. I haven’t actually seen Hellboy, but I guess this is a good excuse to watch it!


Having seen that show, you are making a wise choice 😅 That show is aptly named.


My highest was 67% and it was Xander from Buffy and Marius from Les mis , soooo Im always chasing tail lol! What fun