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So I can't create anymore yt channel. obviously I'm giving you a warning that jodie marie ASMR channel and Looney Life might not be up for much longer. I can appeal the jm Tingles decision but there's no point I think if I do that it will just point them in the direction of my other channels.
If they take the others down I'll appeal those decisions but that could take months. Do we know how that other asmr artist got on after she was taken off?


The Watcher

honestly im hearing all kinds of things with channels getting the hammer and no one seems to understand whats going on but regardless i think sticking to patreon would be best for now since i feel like you have a ton more leniency here than you did with YT which means less editing and more options to expand out word freely which propbably has less stress with edits


Yeah, I just had alot of people moan about me not doing them on YouTube anymore but they arent risking anything so I just got to do what YT wants to be able to create there


Wtf YouTube