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Chris Putt 1981

Can't get enough of the Nom Noms ❤️


Thank you!!

Calvin Yazzie

It's probably for the best this gets uploaded here, yt doesn't deserve you lol

Charles Young Jr.

The best part of waking up, is Jodie in your ears 🎶

Phan Văn Trường

youtube reviewer watch video. Reviewer see tongue licking and feel big in pants between its legs. Now reviewer saying this not allowed for much sex! 🥴


Thanks Jodie! Love the anticipatory pauses in this! 🙏👂😌👂😴💤💤

ASMR Musings

FYI, I believe a human reviewer only goes in when you appeal. It was was prob removed automatically by YouTube. But also could’ve been reported by someone.

ASMR Musings

Really sucks that one of the strongest ASMR triggers is so misunderstood by YouTube. Btw, love the slow pace here! Really accentuates the crackle sounds.

Peter Vreeman

Thank you for sharing it here, loved it😌👏 Still don’t know why it is taken down. Nothing wrong here.

ASMR Musings (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 14:06:08 Ohhh no…. It looks like they took your entire JM Tingles channel down. Unless you took it down yourself. Sorry if they did! And I hope your main channel is safe.
2024-03-29 14:06:08 Ohhh no…. It looks like they took your entire JM Tingles channel down. Unless you took it down yourself. Sorry if they did! And I hope your main channel is safe.
2024-03-29 14:06:08 Ohhh no…. It looks like they took your entire JM Tingles channel down. Unless you took it down yourself. Sorry if they did! And I hope your main channel is safe.
2024-03-22 03:33:39 Ohhh no…. It looks like they took your entire JM Tingles channel down. Unless you took it down yourself. Sorry if they did! And I hope your main channel is safe.

Ohhh no…. It looks like they took your entire JM Tingles channel down. Unless you took it down yourself. Sorry if they did! And I hope your main channel is safe.