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Hey everyone!

This month we decided to animate our Eldritch Church battlemap! Lots of ghostly lights and strange dust swirling before the pulsing eldritch vortex! I think we've really captured the eerie atmosphere of this dark place.

BUT there's more!

Remi tried out something different with this animation pack. We're giving out 3 different animations this time. Two different looping variations of the map and another animation which transitions between the two.

This way you can have one version looping whilst you deliver a cool set piece and then transition to the even scarier version and then begin that looping whilst you fight a boss! Or alternatively have it switch half way through an epic boss fight, like a surprise for when your players think they've killed the BBEG but it isn't over yet!

The awesome track playing on the video teaser is "Charon" off of Music d20: Vol. 4!


Another reminder that the 30% and 40% off promo tiers at Hyperdrive Fleet are open until the end of the month with no limit on the amount of people who can join.

You can click here to join Hyperdrive Fleet and get up to 40% off for life. Offer ends 30th June! That's in 4 days! 

Thank you to every who has joined already. We're already up to 585 patrons! :)

Remi (the genius animator behind our czepeku animated maps) is also animating our spaceships for Hyperdrive Fleet too!


Get all base animated maps, Foundry VTT and EncounterPlus versions HERE


Eldritch Church - Animated Battlemap

Get this animated RPG battlemap for DnD on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/czepeku Sign up to our $10 tier to get access to all of our animated maps, Foundry VTT maps, EncounterPlus maps and printable PDF maps: https://www.patreon.com/join/czepeku The music for this video was created by Will Savino. Will and Czepeku are working on a joint project together called Borough Bound: https://www.patreon.com/boroughbound Sign up today for huge and exciting RPG cities! Use all these great maps and tools with your Dungeons and Dragons party now!



What versions are animated?

Ogo Sylla

Fantastic. I'd really love to have access to these but I'd like to confirm from yourself or any other Roll20 users if these animated maps are compatible.


Roll20 struggles with animated maps. They're possible but there's add ons to make them run better. This questions has come up a few times. It would be best to ask on our Discord, you'll get a thorough reply there from other Roll20 users. :)


Oh damn I love that!


It's a long way off... but I think I have a map for our last climactic battle!


Ooh this will be perfect for the final battle for the arc of a campaign I'm running! Before hand I was just going to use your elder brain map but this will fit much better. 😁


Oh I love this animation transition concept so much!


And just like that, you gave me my BBEG final battle map. TY