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If you're in the Master Cartographer tier or above and have any suggestions for the next poll leave them in the comments below or come join the discussion in the Map Suggestions room on our community Discord!


Robert Nichols

Ever try to do something three dimensional? Nothing complex, maybe just a couple of corridors/tunnels that crass over or under each other, or perhaps a balcony of some sort over a death trap/arena/cave?

Daniel S.

Mmmm gothic cathedral. Useful in so many situations.


I feel like if there were less options, the votes wouldn't be so spread out?


Everything sounds so good; I'm voting for every map except two this week, gosh heck!


the weird and fantastical locations are very cool; but I have a strong preference for the more practical stuff that I can readily incorporate into games


That would be awesome. I once ran a flying battle where I had two maps, one sideways and one from the top, so you could go up and down as well.


Sigh... I love gothic architecture, but it's so overdone. The ballroom or saloon would be amazing, but they never get enough votes.

Jordan Lyndell-Lees

I would love to see some ancient Greek or Roman themed maps. Not necessarily ruins, but living cities, palaces, etc.


I'll add a palace to the next poll but definitely check out the Plague Hospital map, that was Roman in style!


Ever thought about doing a theme for a month? Each map released in said month would tie together to form a narrative or short adventure. Just an idea *shrug*


I LOVE all your ideas! I wonder how you guys would do a more modern map... like a movie theater or office


Yes to underwater shipwreck. There are surprisingly few of these and we are running a campaign with a modified apparatus of Kwalish as a submarine! (One of those would be cool too!!!).

Karl Rasmussen

I do get that, but at the same time I can get a cathedral or tavern and other practical stuff anywhere. Personally, I love Czepeku for the weird places that most people avoid. Maybe just me though...

Sailor Business

Crossing my fingers for the Cathedral Ship, that's EXACTLY what I've been wanting for my Avernus campaign.


I was looking at your magical wizard tower yesterday and thinking it was awesome and I suppose I was wondering if you would ever consider something that modular again, but maybe for player housing? I’ve ran a few DnD campaigns now and player housing is just something they all seem to love so much. A wee map of their house that can be customised to some degree. It just seems to make a lot of players mega happy.

Andrewx8 88

Traveling magic caravan would be super useful, but I think the larger maps should take priority.


We have considered that. It sounds good in theory but depending on the theme it could just make our lives very difficult. I don't know how we'd have made another 2 maps on the theme of 'inside a bag of holding' for instance.


We don't normally do modular maps because they've never been as popular as our other maps. As for class quarters, the Crafty Dice has done a lot of work on those that are worth checking out: https://www.patreon.com/thecraftydice


i don't entirely know what is meant by shark pirate ship but i sure as hell want to find out.


Can you just make all of them PLEASE!!!!

Kyle Laverty

I love the winter maps that have come out recently. Keep up the great work.


Big winter release at the beginning of September to look forward to!


More Eberron stuff, please haha