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EDIT: There's been a little confusion, but that's ok! I'll try to be clearer in future. This is more of a half update, hence why it is 0.15 rather than 0.2. It's mainly to show off the new mechanics that will be in the game. The complete update, 0.2 should come out shortly. I just wanted to show everyone that there is new content for the game, as I feel like everyone's waited long enough. For 90% of you, the stuff you'd like to see in the game will be coming next week. This was just to show the redesign of things and to set up for future builds.

So here is a bit of an update. It's a bit different from the last one, this one is basically a 'skeleton' I'll be adding dialogue to next week. Unfortunately I've had some unexpected stuff come up that I'll need to sort out over the weekend, but after that, it'll be straight back to this.

The mechanics are basic and unexplained right now, and unfortunately I didn't have time to add dialogue, but it's got everything I need to add that stuff later. I just felt it would suck for you guys to wait another week before getting access to anything. So here's a quick 'mechanics test' version of the update. With a more fleshed out version with the characters and dialogue next week.

Let me know if there's any problems with it not working, or if something weird happens. If you seem stuck, go to the bedroom and click on the bed to move time forward.

Copy paste this link into your browser:







so I've noticed a problem when you cook for Emily if you do things correctly she will say it's good, but then suddenly change her mind saying that's it's just plain toast and that she leaves without eating a bite, maybe I'm just clicking to fast though idk


No, that's a common problem, it loops to an area it shouldn't. It'll be fixed with the next mini update


I ran into a bug where on the weekend instead of saying mid day it just says M then D randomly later


I can also no longer find anyone and I'm not sure when or how to meet the other girl since I have no way to tell what day it is in the UI


Ah yep, that's also been reported a fair bit. It's a placeholder left over from when I was testing the weekend bit. It'll be gone next week


And I found a bug that when you invite Emily over for dinner it keeps repeting the days after so everytime I enter the kitchen now it tells me "[] will be over soon I should prepare something". "Emily will be over soon I should prepare something".


I can see why you said in a previous post that the next update has little dialogue and no polish. Can't wait for the dialogue and the polish to arrive in the next update :D.


Looks like I forgot a line of code! That's the one positive thing about most of these errors, easily fixed with a single line

Lardomos (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-02 17:25:23 It looks like the gift giving code is looking for the quantity of food to be >1 rather than >0, so you need to have two items of food in your inventory to gift one of them.
2020-10-04 05:35:41 It looks like the gift giving code is looking for the quantity of food to be >1 rather than >0, so you need to have two items of food in your inventory to gift one of them.

It looks like the gift giving code is looking for the quantity of food to be >1 rather than >0, so you need to have two items of food in your inventory to gift one of them.


I keep asking Emily out but she always says "maybe another time"


Yes, unfortantely that was from a half finished idea that didn't quite work out. I'll be releasing a more engaging version soon though!