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I'll be doing one last all nighter to finish up, then you (finally) get to see the next update.

It will be a little light on dialogue, and with 0 polish, but a lot of the major mechanics are now in place! (This update was always supposed to focus on the mechanics first anyway, polish comes later)

You'll be able to travel from location to location and initiate conversation with a girl, plus you can give her gives (only homemade food at the moment, though that will be expanded in the next two updates)

The girls will also travel around the map as well, doing their own thing, living their own lives.

You can also cook food! Cook gifts to give to a girl, or invite her around for dinner! As your cooking skill improves, you get the ability to add extra ingredients to the meal, but will it make the meal extra delicious? Or extra disastrous?

At the moment it's fairly simple, just lists of things to cook, and ingredients to add, but I do have an inventory screen almost ready to go (images just need to be resized a bit, and repurposed, and that will take a little while) 

A couple of other little things as well, a bit more of an intro and a slightly more interactive workplace (Only slightly for now, a lot more workplace stuff will show up in the next two major updates!)

I've listened to what people think is important, and most would prefer simpler stuff for now, with the ability to expand upon it later, so that's what I'm aiming for!

Come join me on discord if you want to listen to what I'm currently doing: https://discord.gg/KhPngC



Can't wait for the update! :D

none listed

Hmm, this discord link doesn't work anymore, is there a more up to date one?