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Just a quick summary of what I've done.

Just finished all of Chloe's artwork (Though I may need to draw another couple of expressions if need be)

Finished the writing for the work introduction (I still need to copy it into the game script though!)

Tomorrow I'll be drawing Patty art, and hopefully adding her introduction to the game.

Still feeling like I'm way behind where I'd like to be, so I might do another all nighter soon. I'll let you guys know, and I'll be doing a discord chat the entire time, so you can get updates on things as they're done!



No worries as long as your at a pace your comfortable with and not pushing yourself too hard I’d say your doing fine. No need to rush or burn yourself out imo. I for one don’t mind if it takes sometime. It will be ready when it’s ready 😜. Thanks for the status update though.


Thanks for keeping us updated! Yeah same here, it's better you make steady progress than force yourself to speed up to catch up with a perceived deadline. You're doing fine as it is so just take what time you need to get it ready for us.