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Hi everyone, 


  • Comic Pt2 is in progress to try out with new artist. Will cost me double what Pt1 did and will be 20-25 pages. Will post what the new artist gives me when he completes 7 various panels around Oct 2nd and if you think I should go with him.
  • Game Update: My 2nd Covid vaccination dose is Oct 20th. Due to it having a possibility of killing me/any side effects will keep me out of action for at least a week. So I am trying to aim for a game update by about the 19th if I can.
  • Still in progress/hopefully next month: Ajia short story with images, & Website.

I was trying to hold off this post till the comic artist actually sent me something back to share, even if it was just sketches. 

Anyhow, so basically I've started work on the Guilty Pleasures Part 2 comic. I've found someone who does adult comics and is within my current budget. So to test him out I've come up with 2 pages for him to do of several various panels and characters that will be in it. The order due date is the 2nd of October but I haven't received any sketches etc to approve yet but hoping he will before the month is up so I can share with everyone before they go. The 7 panels he's doing vary from a full horizontal page of inside stomach pov with food, to Amika about to crush your tiny protest in pov, and Tsumi getting her nails done by a tiny and Dani about to happily munch on some willing sushi tinies.

If all goes well then and you guys like the art direction then I'll go with him for it. The thing is Pt2 comic is going to cost me double what the original one did ($70 a page to now $115 before any edits) so I can't get it all done at once and will budget it out across a few months.  Because of piracy I didn't get much back past the initial cost of making Pt1 but at the moment current income should let me be able to work towards Pt2 now.

Honestly thank you to everyone who hasn't chucked it out online because it means I can continue for the time being. (And yes there will be dirty content in it optionally too). 

Pt2 will include Tsumi in New Phoenix helping out various tinies and some gentle content to go along with it. Quite a bit of it will still be in Chisana's as they finish up their lunch too.

Game wise, I got my first covid vaccination jab 2 days ago and it's been mostly fine (I have 2 congenial heart problems and a lot of other various health problems that the Dr was scared to give it to me). So as my 2nd dose is on the 20th of Oct, I'll be aiming for trying to get out an update around the 19th if nothing bad comes up. Hopefully everything will be fine and I'll just get a side effect that might knock me out for a week or so, but if it is then it means I can't work on an update for a week after the 20th probably.

I'll be looking to get in Angels Aerie for this one, the updated Intestine maps, and most likely Dani's stomach will have the new one only until the update after where I can work on overhauling all of them. Attached are some parts of Angels Aerie where you can choose to eat what you want off a platter, it'll remember how much Tsumi's currently got in her drink etc. 

Ajia's short story is still in progress as well as the website. I'm juggling a lot of things currently >_> 

Lastly, attached is this months commission tier. (I'll repost it again when I get a second image to make it a batch). Hope you're all well!




I got my second shot awhile ago… it put my ass down for a day. I haven’t felt like that since the end of 2019… where I’m almost positive I may have actually had covid now that we know what we know. I know a lot of people who didn’t experience anything on their second shot. I really only got it so my parents would relax if I’m being honest. I hope you don’t feel the shot itself, and I hope you have 0 side effects. Love the content, and I have 0 issues waiting. I also can’t wait to see what the artists you found comes out with. Hoping it’s actually worth your expense. That sorta stuff always concerns me, given what some of the degenerates like to do with peoples art.


I also plan to get my second shot around mid Oct. The giantess cop art looks great! Clearly, Pheonix city need more of them Also, can't wait for the second comic, since the first one was awesome


I hope everything turns out well for you, just try not to stress about it too much as that will only make the side effects worse.