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The second and probably final of the free images made by Weisart. Ajia herself turned out really well.

  • Images 1 & 2: My edits and fixes. These 2 images will only be posted here. Fixes include background, vjj, smile, random skin particles going on background and clothes, ankle, random cut on thigh, finger etc.
  • Images 3 & 4: Weisart's originals.
  • Image 5: The original 'final' one he had sent me first with stock watermarks etc

Soooo... Bit of a sad story with this commission. Edit: But I've talked with him and sorted it and can now post the edited versions freely.

I've still got one more commission request with Felox which is for Ajia, but I might change it to another girl instead. Possibly redoing another Tsumi with better hair like Weisart's last one but in a different pose. 

Hope Ajia turned out well for you guys!




It looks great


Look at it this way, there is a market out there for this stuff. There are better artists who will do things cheaper and more professionally. Some probably just cause it might appear in a game. That’s some of the best advertising you could hope for - especially if they can leave a signature or it’s in the credits. Might even get better choice for the cutscenes and transitions that use art, if you can find a an artist that enjoys this sort of work. If I ever muster up the courage to undertake something like this - I think I’d go for an artist that does 80’s / 90’s style. Something about that for what I want to do just seems right. Art ain’t cheap though. So I get why you don’t want people sharing it. There are people who charge almost what I make in a week, for things I don’t consider to be worth it, for a job that doesn’t even register on the danger scale like mine. Art is ‘mostly’ subjective though, so there is that. Then there are those artists who almost seem to undercharge - when compared to similar work - but their skill is obviously much higher. I’ve even considered seeing if RPG maker can be used to call up a 3D rendering or small animation in leu of drawings because of that. It’d almost be worth the hassle to avoid most of the dev money going into commissions if I did this. Sorry to ramble - just thought I’d share some feelings regarding the art thing. Nothing worse than paying someone and feeling dissatisfied with the result - but because you’re nice, you don’t wanna slide in their dm’s with the hostility.


Yea I'm not going off at the guy, nor hard feelings towards him. Just explaining what happened and why there's so many different versions. RPG MV can use 3D objects with a plugin also.