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Hi everyone,   

Sorry for the anti-piracy spam, I'm sick of it too but unfortunately I can't separate public posts from Patreons (this gets picked up and uploaded to piracy sites that use scrappers). Hopefully this'll be the last one for a long time as I normally just deal with it and move on. You guys aren't here for this after all. But from the abuse I get sent sometimes and being seen as stingy/unreasonable I think it's time I addressed this and why I don't advertise.  

  • The reason I don't advertise, I'm so 'stingy' anti-pirate, and seem unreasonable: 

In short for me personally, I have not completed any main games and my motivation comes from being proud of the work I do. I don't want most people to join, see a game incomplete or bugged so that when I do finally finish and release it, the things they didn't like about changed their mind on seeing my work again. It may seem counter productive considering I charge for content, but seeing what I offer and try to get out there for a $5 a month. It's not exactly a lot of a money, but enough to just survive on and get more than just game content made. I love to help others and make a difference in their lives. I've worked for 2 different governments for around 10 years total, I've helped them save millions of dollars by finding things that fell through the gaps and helping find solutions for them. I started making this content out of passion, and wanted to work for myself because there's too much office drama that gets in the way of empathy.

Secondly, as demoralizing as stupid posts like above are, it's the (mostly paid) online drive caches that I find that really get to me. Why? Because at a guess, 35-45% of the ones I've come across have child exploitation related content in them. Now imagine how could you sleep at night even coming across something as sick and disgusting as that, let alone your own content being bundled up in it. It's a big reason why I check for my content, and why I report these things to the police. After all, scam sites like gtstube are just full of POS (and viruses) who steal the freely acquired content from creators, bundle it together and ask for 'donations' to keep content free while also supplying ads. They make thousands of dollars from abuse, and work they never raised a finger for. These people hide behind facades of "swapping" videos etc with you and sooner or later it'll end up in a cache. When pirates get riled up like above as if they're helping you out, creators get abused and ganged up on so much. In our community, considering how many people are shy/conflict avoiding/have a mental illness (extreme social anxiety and crappy humour in my case), the abuse hurts on a totally different scale.

I want to be able to just do my thing and let people enjoy what I make, but on my own terms, where I've uploaded it to, and without the excuses people tell themselves to justify what they do as wrong for right ("free advertising"). I just want to focus on making cool content, the above post stopped me mid talk with a new voice actress and planning of the vore day content. Am I being stingy by being put off? For having my motivation sapped? And now how I feel that I'm disappointing fans? If you've been in this community as long as I have, then you'd know there are those of us who have left for some of the more serious reasons: Realized they made adult content/family & friends found out/been ganged up on. And in some cases unfortunately it's also led to the suicide because they couldn't get their content taken down and their family/friends would search for it.

  • The reason why I look like an ass to people:

Simply put, I look at the end result. This is why you don't see me swearing at people, arguing online trying to change minds, why I write in a way most people can emphasize and understand with, and why I also don't upload fake, disgusting, and timewasting versions of my games anywhere. I want to help create a proper community where people can talk without fear or shame of feeling weird, because of the way others post. Here's some examples and why I do things the way I do.

When I first started out, I was intentionally a massive ass to people who didn't read and respect my wishes. I didn't want to attract the wrong sorts of people and constant comments that you see so commonly without thought in the community. After 6 months, I posted normally and it paid off. Now I don't get comments (as often) of "I like x/advice for you/pity it doesn't have x" that put me off. And the crowd of supporters are far more respectful than I thought there would actually be in the community. A lot of lurkers for the first time felt comfortable talking to me because of how they felt and saw themselves based on others. How many of you have felt the need to talk to someone about your desires and likes, but have no-one to and not even in the community?

The sexual harassment channel in my discord and mocking cutscene in Yui's Ascendance of cringe posts makes me look like a real ass especially I know. But in truth they've helped a lot considering the amount of harassment females in our community get. This isn't me being a white knight, it's common sense. It's cringe yes, but most people don't actually know it until they see it for themselves in it. I was like this too at times I admit, and it's subtle and better for people to become self aware how they look, rather than being called out and abused on. It's actually been quite successful too on changing people from what I've heard from other mods in different servers (I actually get warned sometimes on some major offenders who join my discord). End result? Less harassment, wider understanding of what you're doing, more awareness on how big the problem actually is, and a way to vent.

One of my end goals (which I had hoped to have started by now) is to make and maintain a site for giantess and vore enthusiasts. Growing up we had no-one to help us or talk to or explain that what we like is completely fine. Nor do we have anywhere... understanding... for others to read about it (partners and such). All we have are loud mouths who post "eat me" on YT videos and try to trick people into doing fetish content unknowingly. 

Yes, I am sarcastic at times to people I feel who deserve it. You might see me annoyed or frustrated. But hey, I'm not asking you to like me. I want you to like my content, just don't be an asshole about it because I didn't give it to you free. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk!

---- Yandex English to Chinese Translation:


对不起,反盗版垃圾邮件,我也受够了。 希望这将是很长一段时间的最后一个,因为我通常只是处理它并继续前进。 你们毕竟不是为了这个而来的 但是从我有时被发送的虐待和被视为吝啬/不合理的情况来看,我认为是时候解决这个问题了,为什么我不做广告。  


简而言之,就我个人而言,我还没有完成任何主要游戏,我的动力来自为我所做的工作感到自豪。 我不希望大多数人加入,看到一个游戏不完整或被窃听,所以当我最终完成并释放它时,他们不喜欢的事情再次看到我的作品改变了主意。 考虑到我收取内容,这似乎适得其反,但看到我提供的内容并尝试每月5美元。 这不是很多钱,但足以生存并获得不仅仅是游戏内容。 我喜欢帮助别人,改变他们的生活。 我已经为2个不同的政府工作了大约10年,我帮助他们通过找到突破差距的东西并帮助为他们找到解决方案来节省数百万美元。 我开始制作这些内容是出于激情,并希望为自己工作,因为有太多的办公室戏剧妨碍了同情。

其次,就像上面那样愚蠢的帖子一样令人沮丧,这是我发现真正吸引我的(主要是付费的)在线驱动器缓存。 为啥? 因为在猜测中,我遇到的35-45%的人都有与儿童剥削相关的内容。 现在想象一下,你怎么能在晚上睡觉,甚至遇到像那样恶心和恶心的东西,更不用说你自己的内容被捆绑在其中了。 这是一个很大的原因,为什么我检查我的内容,以及为什么我向警方报告这些事情。 毕竟,像gtstube这样的诈骗网站只是充满了POS(和病毒),他们从创作者那里窃取自由获取的内容,将其捆绑在一起并要求"捐赠"以保持内容免费,同时还提供广告。 他们从滥用中赚了数千美元,他们从未提出过的工作。 这些人隐藏在与你"交换"视频等的外墙后面,迟早会最终进入缓存。 当海盗像上面一样被激怒时,就好像他们在帮助你一样,创作者会受到虐待,并且联合起来。 在我们的社区中,考虑到有多少人害羞/避免冲突/患有精神疾病(在我的情况下是极端的社交焦虑和蹩脚的幽默),虐待伤害的规模完全不同。

我希望能够做我的事情,让人们享受我所做的事情,但根据我自己的条件,我已经上传了它,并且没有人们告诉自己的借口来证明他们做错了什么("免费广 我只是想专注于制作酷炫的内容,上面的帖子阻止了我与一位新声优的谈话以及vore day内容的策划。 我被推迟是吝啬吗? 因为我的动机被削弱了 现在我怎么觉得我让粉丝失望? 如果你一直在这个社区,只要我有,那么你就会知道我们这些人已经离开了一些更严重的原因:意识到他们制作成人内容/家人和朋友发现/被结伙了。 在某些情况下,不幸的是,它也导致了自杀,因为他们无法删除他们的内容,他们的家人/朋友会搜索它。


简单地说,我看看最终的结果。 这就是为什么你没有看到我骂人,在网上争论试图改变主意,为什么我以大多数人可以强调和理解的方式写作,以及为什么我也不会在任何地方上传假 我想帮助创建一个适当的社区,人们可以在这里交谈,而不用担心或羞愧地感到奇怪,因为其他人发布的方式。 这里有一些例子,为什么我这样做。

当我第一次开始时,我故意对那些不阅读和尊重我的愿望的人来说是一个巨大的屁股。 我不想吸引错误的人和不断的评论,你在社区中看到如此普遍而没有思想。 6个月后,我正常发布,它得到了回报。 现在我没有得到"我喜欢x/给你的建议/可惜它没有x"的评论(经常)让我失望。 而支持者的人群比我想象的社区中实际上会有更多的尊重。 很多潜伏者第一次觉得很舒服,因为他们的感受和看到自己的基础上,别人跟我说话。 你们中有多少人觉得有必要跟别人谈论你的欲望和喜欢,但没有人,甚至没有在社区?

我的不和谐中的性骚扰频道和Yui的cringe帖子中的嘲笑过场动画让我看起来像一个真正的屁股,特别是我知道。 但事实上,考虑到我们社区中的骚扰女性数量,他们已经帮助了很多。 这不是我当白衣骑士这是常识)这是畏缩是的,但大多数人实际上并不知道,直到他们看到它自己在它。 我也是这样,有时我承认,对于人们来说,自我意识到他们的样子是微妙的,更好的,而不是被召唤出来并被滥用。 它实际上也是相当成功的改变人们从我从其他mods在不同的服务器上听到的东西(我实际上有时会在一些加入我的不和谐的主要罪犯身上得到警告)。 最终结果? 少骚扰,更广泛地了解你在做什么,更多地了解问题实际上有多大,以及发泄的方式。

我的最终目标之一(我希望现在已经开始)是为女巨人和vore爱好者制作和维护一个网站。 长大后,我们没有人来帮助我们,或者与我们交谈或解释我们喜欢的东西完全没问题。 我们也没有任何地方。.. 理解。.. 供其他人阅读(合作伙伴等)。 我们所拥有的只是大声的嘴巴,他们在YT视频上发布"吃我",并试图欺骗人们在不知不觉中做恋物癖内容。 

是的,我有时会对我觉得应该得到它的人进行讽刺。 你可能会看到我生气或沮丧。 但是,嘿,我不是要求你喜欢我。 我希望你喜欢我的内容,只是不要成为一个混蛋,因为我没有给你免费的。 感谢您收听我的Ted演讲!



micheal yeager

On point one you are not stingy or unreasonable if you are working yourself like you do to the point of getting sick you deserve to be paid and you do not deserve to have your shit stolen by pieces of trash like this.

micheal yeager

On point two if jerks stole my work like this I would be livid you are handling this much more calmly than I would


Pirates: He's a stingy dick! He won't share his work for free! He doesn't realize how much he could make if we advertised for him more! Daichi777: I just want to pay my bills, keep my motivation above all else and make content dude... why is that such a hard thing to ask for?


Man some times you're gonna have to ignore the hate people are gonna say whatever I know its stupid and annoying but the lot of us who support you aren't going anywhere

Kingbob Yap

You sound like a reasonable man who get put into an unreasonable circumstance. In other words, I don’t dislike you for any reason and I love your art!


I dont even think advertizing is much of an issue since your work does all the talking


That's exactly what I am for! It helps keeps me aiming for quality instead of chucking any old thing out.