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Hi everyone!

First off I want to say thank you all for your support! It really means a lot and already allowed me to get 4 images in progress for this month with likely more depending the artists schedules. Being honest, I thought that most people would just be getting the comic and downgrading/leaving... so it is a really nice motivation boost when you're feeling down. 2 of the images are thanks to someone in the new custom artwork tier and will be of Dani and a few tinies (foot lick/vore), another of Tsumi working with a tiny personal assistant on her boob, and a preview of Delaria, Goddess of Darkness and antagonist to Yui. I never understood how giant goddesses who love eating planets can stand the taste of all that dirt. 

Speaking of Yui, I've gone and finally made Yui's Ascendance freely available and updated it a bit with the major bug fixes, and adding in an image or 2, and the bio's that were only available in the Tsumi Umi game currently. If you haven't seen Ascendance before or loved Giantess Simulator over Tsumi Umi then I recommend trying this out despite its discontinuation for now. Yui will also be seen in Tsumi Umi Sushi.

This month I'll be working on the vaginal event for Tsumi Umi Sushi, and I'm currently in talks with Ajia's new Voice Actress (if everything turns out ok), who scarily can do very different voices so she may also be voicing Kiyomi/various random npc's in addition. I'll be trying to get her to do some coming with the vaginal update. I haven't decided what other images to get this month but I'm feeling something gentle romantic kinky so probably around those ideas.

Hoping you and your families are all safe!




Im just glad you got a well deserved boost in your patreon to take the stressers off you 😊 glad you feel motivated and i do got to say im kinda in the mood of an chapter based game


Won't lie as someone how is mainly here for Giantess Sim and Ascendance it always good to hear more about them! :P Glad to hear things are going well with the patreon as well, proof that there are a lot of people willing to support you in your work. :)


Thanks for all your support over the years too! You've stuck by me despite sadly not being able to work on those for so long. If I can ask, what was the stuff you liked most about them? I miss making lore and funny stuff so much lol!


You're Welcome! Happy to help, though I did have to put my pledge down recently because of FINANCES. Hopefully I should be able to put that back up again when things settle. Honestly the reason I like the others (and I like Tsumi as well!) Ascendance is pretty simple so I'll start with that. I like Growth more than shrink and I'm a sucker for goddess and foot stuff lol. I also really love the sort of openness you get with it, in that you can play Yui as either nice and caring or cruel and dominant. I love when games let you choose those things, no doubt it’s a pain to have to make games that let you do that as its basically twice the work but yeah. As for GTS Sim, I mean it’s the same point as Ascendance but with even more! I don’t know what you ultimately plan on making it like but playing the demo felt like it was just going to be a sort of sandbox with lore and story, where you could play the giantess any way you wanted. Happy and caring, caring but clumsy, uncaring and apathetic or just flat out cruel and being able to choose that felt so good, Like I could have multiple saves going where I’m playing almost entirely different games. The idea of having a city that you had to look after, gathering resources and fixing thing, looking out for the people living there, defending them from enemy nations, fighting of giant monsters, all while being a giant sound really fun! And then there were the little detail in the way things changed depending on how you played. The way the tinies (or I guess normals in gts sim lol) would react to you, the different dialogue that you would get from Kiyomi when you went to places like the graveyard. The little sprinkles of lore you would get were always great as well. I’m a sucker for all that stuff so hooked me good. Yeah I could gush about that idea for ages so I should probably stop lol. But yeah always looking forward to more stuff. I’ll get my AAA open world giantess rpg sandbox one day!


Hahaha, Tsumi I try to give options the same but the biggest difference is that both GSim and Ascendance have actual pages and pages of story/lore/things to add in them so they're fleshed out. Tsumi evolved from what was supposed to just be a sushi place with many options to replay, and part of a different game I had the idea for. Honestly though it's a good thing I didn't start GSim or Asc back then because of the stuff I've picked up. TUS is more a testing ground in ways for me to improve, also means the other 2 games would have the funding for proper assets etc. GSim is going to be easier to develop but take longer. It is supposed to be open world with the city as the main, then it makes it easier for me to add on areas as expansions without modifying the original so much like TUS. But if you're a sucker for lore, when I add in Indulgences area you might pee a little hahaha


first time seeing this, what is this game about? micro cities being abused by giantess?


I make different games, it's what I'm known for. The main one currently is Tsumi Umi Sushi (In Progress), but the others are Pactiny (complete), Ascendance, and Giantess Simulator (both to be remade and incomplete). You can download all of them by sorting the posts at the top. Yui's Ascendance was a game originally meant to be within Giantess Simulator and I made it 2 years ago. It's a more straight forward short story demo than anything. The main giantess event in it is POV and basically doing what you want to a small part of the city. You then can play as Yashi and see the destruction after on your way to continuing it. It's up to you to be gentle or evil in that part.


Ok! I mostly subbed to you in hopes to see more comic art. Loved the concent and unclean toilet version


Thank you! After I finish the next update/free version I should hopefully get time to sketch the pages to get done. The problem though is I'm not sure how long it would take to get the rest made. Doujinsak's been quite busy and if I was lucky he'd do 1 page a month, he said before starting it would be 1-2 weeks. There is another artist I've been talking to who does really beautiful 3D gts comics, but he won't be available to talk more on it until August he said. But he also unfortunately doesn't touch toilet content. The second story part I'll be trying to get more of that in too. But sadly it will most likely be awhile for more of the dirty comic stuff. If you haven't tried Tsumi Umi Sushi you should read the short story 'Privileged' as it's similar to the comic. The comic is based on the game itself too if you haven't tried it out.


Ascendance is so underrated! I love Tsumi but I'm really excited for those other two projects to come back!