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Another busy week! Lot's of things done.

I have one full scene written and posed, it's on the lengthy side. currently working on another one.

Almost all animations are posed. Now "just" need to render them all. Two of them are 600 frames so that's gonna take a while.

Currently I have 6 animations fully rendered, and one is 720 frames. So that's great that it's done! And I'll definitely add at least one animation if not more, we will see how it all goes.

Also the bonus scene I finished first half posing, animations as well. First part is the longer part. I'll make a second part to the bonus scene with a nice Vanessa animation :O

In case you missed it on discord. Eris Discordia joined as the co-writter. I want to welcome her and hope she stays long to help me out! So far it's been great and she is a very talented writer.

There not much more to say, so far everything is going great. I'll keep you guys posted on the progress in a week.

Stay safe and cya soon!



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