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Okay... So...

I didn't want to say anything about this, but seeing some reactions i decided i need to let everyone know.

Audrey is not coming back.

This is a decision I've been thinking about for a long time, and I just have to do it.

I expected there's gonna be backlash, but after the release it occurred to me that some people care a lot. And I can't keep you in hope of her return or something like that. So I have to let you know that Ep13 was Audrey's last appearance.

Removing Audrey from the game was a hard decision to make, and it's very personal. I'm not a businessman, I'm just a guy making a game that's wants people to enjoy it. Keeping her would be a smart decision from a business point, but I can't continue her story. Don't get me wrong, I love Audrey, she was a yandere in the making, and her story line was awesome to me. I thought it's very well done. But for personal reasons I have to let her go, and I just can't continue her story anymore.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry to everyone that enjoyed Audrey and her progress. I wanted to give her a nice farewell, I didn't want her to die or anything like that, so I though a "real life" breakup would be a "nice" scene. It was very hard for me to write it and work on it. But some things have to be left in the past.

If it means anything, I will be adding a new girl in Audrey's path. MC is getting a new secretary. And from the story line perspective, I will make some scenes around this situation with Audrey, her leaving will be a part of story and she will never be forgotten.

So, yea, that's it for now. Tomorrow I'll make a progress update. Cya soon.




why did she have to be a damn Yandere in the first place ? Why couldnt she be a mom to the other younger girls in the Harem ? Also wasnt she pregnant ?