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Hey everyone,

In my last development update I said I needed to spend a few weeks focused purely on writing. I had a substantial amount written already, however, there were some important gaps that needed filling in. I also said that I was trying to decide whether I should aim for a relatively short update in the spring or whether I should hold off for another big update sometime late summer / early autumn. I am pleased to report that I had a productive few weeks writing and I think I am now ready to make some decisions.

I have enough high quality content at a far enough advanced stage that I feel confident enough to aim for a quick update. Hopefully, before the end of April. So, let’s take a look at some of the scenes I have in the works for version 0.16. Then I will talk about what I will be aiming for in version 0.17.

A Second ‘Date’ with Samantha

A second date with Samantha has been on my to-do list for quite some time. I am glad to say that I’ve almost finished writing it and I’ve done a significant amount of the storyboarding in the graphics software. Therefore, I can confidently say that it will be included in the next update.

Samantha is embarrassed about the unruly state of her bush

I’ve decided to keep Samantha a relatively slow burn for now, mostly because we haven’t really gotten to know her character very well yet. Plus, Samantha is one of the few characters yet to be seen fully naked by the headmaster, so she still has a lot of untapped potential for some ENF (embarrassed naked female) scenarios.

Provided you made a good impression on Samantha you will get invited to stay for dinner

Players will now have the option to visit Samantha at her home to help clear her overgrown garden. People who did not do well on the first date (or those who didn’t cheer her up successfully after Patricia’s job interview) will have the opportunity to make it up to her by doing some hard labour. People who made the ‘correct’ choices in previous encounters will have an easier time getting invited to dinner.

Samantha’s sister has a lot of probing questions for the headmaster

At Samantha’s home we will get the opportunity to properly meet Samantha’s sister, Lily. We’ve spotted Lily selling alcohol and cigarettes to Harriet at the school gate. Therefore, we’ve already set her up as a bit of a bad girl. She also sees herself as her little sister's protector. Therefore, the headmaster will need to deal with her bad behaviour if he wants to progress his relationship with Samantha.

The ‘Mystery’ Streaker

Last year I wrote a fun scene where a ‘mysterious’ masked streaker causes a commotion during lunch break. Upon seeing this lewd spectacle, Ruth demands that the headmaster identify and punish the culprit, leading to a suspect line-up/identity parade in the headmaster’s office. Needless to say, things quickly get out of hand with some hilarious results.

Lunch with Sally and Samantha is interrupted by ‘mysterious’ masked streaker

Although this two part scene will make up a good chunk of the update, that’s all I have to say about it for now, as I don’t want to give away any spoilers (there are no prizes for guessing the streaker's identity, but there are some other surprises). However, I will say that this is one of my personal favourite scenes to date, and I have a feeling it will go down as a classic. I wrote both parts of this scene with the specific intention of showcasing our new jiggle physics, so you can expect lots of nice animations.

With Ruth acting as witness, a suspect line-up quickly gets out of hand

Anything else?

As you can see, I’ve got quite a bit of exciting content in the works already. On top of this I hope to also include at least some advancement for the staff training storyline from version 0.15. We last left that storyline off with Debbie being rude to Miss Potts. Therefore, at a bare minimum, I intend to include Debbie’s punishment and an extra level in her punishment system. Whether we get any further than that in version 0.16 I can’t say for sure right now, as I still have some gaps in the script.

The headmaster’s office has been looking a little dusty, fortunately Lucy is available to help.

I also have one scene for Lucy in the headmaster’s office which is about 80% done, so that will definitely be in v0.16. Plus, I am hoping to include at least one ‘extra service’ for Lucy at the weekend as well. As always, I’ll probably include one or two mini patrol events too.

There is also a possibility I may need to include the beginning of Liz’s punishment system. She’s not top of the list for me to work on. However, in order to save myself extra work down the line, I may need to add at least one level for her now.

Looking ahead to version 0.17

If I am aiming for a quick update for v0.16, the scenes listed above are likely to be as much as I have time for. If I was aiming for a bigger update, I would also be looking to include the beginning of Faye and the twins' punishment systems. However, those are likely to be months of work and it doesn’t make sense to sit on all the content I have ready for that long. Therefore, I think I’m best off releasing a quick update as soon as possible, in order to give myself maximum breathing room for an extra big update in version 0.17. My goal for version 0.17 will be to completely finish off everything on my list of essentials to get us in a position to move onto Chapter 3. So that includes the completion of the basic staff training lessons as well as the third class punishment.

The next poll

Mr Mykock invites you to join him at his private spa

It’s nearly time for another poll, which means we will be heading back to Mykock’s Manor for another short special. This time the questions will be about the direction of the group medical storyline. In keeping with the theme of health and wellness, the story will be set in Mr Mykock's private spa. Where the staff will cater to your every need, and bathing suits are strictly prohibited. I can also say that there will be a couple of surprise guests (not pictured above). I have no date in mind for releasing this yet but it might make sense to do some extra set up for it in the main game and release it just after the next update.


I have a bunch of great content in the works, mainly for Samantha and for a ‘mystery’ streaker. I am hoping to release that before the end of April (I’m not ready to set a specific date yet). Shortly after this, I plan to release the next Mykock’s Manor poll special. Then I will start work on Faye and the twins' punishment systems for version 0.17.

Also, I have a lot more image previews to share with the Teacher (and above tiers) and I will post those in the next week or so.



Simon Roberts

This update sounds great, as usual. I cant wait for it. More Lucy scenes are always welcome.

Master Lee

Nice!I love Samantha so much!