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Thank you to Request Tier Member:  Abigail Hopkins


Futurama S5 E1 4 Timer Patreon



Funny enough the little video about global warming is actually shown in An Inconvenient Truth, the documentary about global warming. I mean considering it's by Al Gore and his daughter worked on Futurama it's not too surprising he was on good terms with the production team and they allowed him to use it, not to mention he makes a fair amount of guest appearances on the show, I mean we are talking about a vice president here and really until Obama it was kinda uncommon to see presidents and vice presidents to make pop culture appearances very often.

Mothman The9th

Trying Not to point out my very political beliefs that climate change is a hoax to scam money out of governments no matter how right I am also Al Gore is full of crap either for lying about it or continuing to carbon up the atmosphere with a private jet whichever you believe