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Thank you BFF and Request Tier for voting on Invincible for August!


Invincible S1 E7 8 Timer Patreon



Actually, the show got picked up for a season 2 and a season 3 the week after it debuted. It and Amazon's other dark superhero show The Boys, which from your reaction to the violence in this makes me happy I didn't recommend it, nearly as violent but live action, both were picked up through season 3 after their debut.


A lot of people started hating Amber after it was revealed she knew Mark's identity, honestly myself included. I mean if she knew for weeks she DEFINITELY knew that was him at the college fighting that cyborg. The way I and others see it, it wasn't Mark's responsibility to tell her if she knew for that long. He was only trying to keep her away from that dangerous part of his life so she should've been the one to tell him she knew. It's actually really fucked up and manipulative on her part to "test" him by seeing how long it takes him to tell her. It's not a minor secret he was keeping, like he said it's a SECRET IDENTITY. So the way I see it Mark's innocent in this and Amber was being unreasonable. But I am curious why you might side with her instead cuz I've mostly heard arguments against her so what do you think?


I think, I can understand that she felt hurt that Mark couldn't trust her to know the secret. She was wanting him to tell her sooner, rather than letting it drag on and continue lying to her. If he was willing to keep lying, what else would he lie about? Along with that, I think she was just frustrated that he kept making plans and then crashing them. I think it's similar to the frustrations that Red Rush's wife had, he''s never "in the moment" with her....... BUT... upon a second watch of the episodes, I heavily flipped to Mark's side. She has some really unrealistic expectations for him (knowing he was a super hero) I also hated that she just "went back to him" LIKE WHAT?!?! He is still going to be gone? He still lied to you? like... idk lol Her argument fell apart so fast... She kissed him before he even said "I'll tell you everything" at the end.... so idk.... i'm a little confused and muffled at her character and expectations for the relationship. As someone who had a partner who lied to them, I can understand wanting to hear it from their significant other, rather than outing them. but.... Amber was weird about the whole thing.... so I can't really take her side, since she literally goes running into his arms once his dad is gone.... It give me a really bad icky feeling.... like "Now you care about this? He was saving lives and stuff! but that didn't matter? YET, being 20 minutes late mattered more? What?" lol so.... i don't know... The more i think... the more mad i get at Amber lol