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" The Fight for Castle McDuck! "


Ducktales S3 E17 Timer Patreon



Fun fact Matilda's voiced by Michelle Gomez who played Missy in Doctor Who. I love this episode, It's super fun XD


OH WOW! it's crazy how many Doctor Who cast members they have voice on this show X D


ok, just asking are Invincible and Castlevania considered cartoons they are adult themed animation written and created in America but in Castlevania's case it borrows an anime aesthetic, much like Avatar: The Last Airbender or Prince of Dragons. It's not really anime, even though Netflix calls it such. Just asking to know what counts as a cartoon. Like I'd exclude Tower of God, even though it came from Korea the series was made by an anime studio in Japan. (Great series by the way)[ I'm autistic rules and descriptors help me compartmentalize, which is a major coping mechanism for me in defining things and using my memory.] it's embarrassing having to reveal this kinda stuff but that's life on the spectrum, at least for me. I spend so much energy trying to be normal when I go in public it literally drains me for days, I'll sleep a day or two after going out for more than an hour or two. If I don't have to deal with people beyond Hey hello, it's no big deal but the more time I spend around people in general the more exhausted I am.