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Thank you to Request Tier member: Agentiem


The Good Place S3 E10 12 Timer Patreon



I love Maya Rudolph too (you mentioned your love of her in the Mitchells vs The Machines and many other times), for a good movie recommendation, not saying for review or anything but you should check out Idiocracy, it stars Maya Rudolph and Luke Wilson, and features Terry Crews. Also it's directed and written by Mike Judge (creator of Beavis and Butthead, King of the Hill, and Office Space). Also it's viewed as a comedy that has become a documentary of the America, especially the Trump years. I'm not a religious person, the closest to my beliefs would be an agnostic with a touch of of Buddhism thrown in, but I love this show because it doesn't specifically nail down any single religion. I don't know if there is a great cosmic god, but if there is he has to have a sense of humor. One of my of my first arguments against organized religion is simple, if humans are the best thing a deity could create, that's a disappointing deity, humans suck. They destroy the world around them all for personal gain, they use each other, and so on and so forth. That's why I prefer to think their is an unconscious force (sorry to use a star wars term, I don't mean it that way it's just they've used it even though the word existed long before.) of life and death that needs to be kept in balance. OK so throw a little Taoism in there too.