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Thank You to Request Tier Member: Bubblegum402


Rascal Does Not Dream S1 E8 10 TIMER Patreon



I feel like no parent should compare their children to one another let alone to themselves too, the same also goes with forcing a dream you had onto your kid, I’m sorry to hear your parents were expecting from you and your brother instead of focusing on what matters, your safety,health and honestly the things you enjoy in life, I do hope you and your brother have sorted things out over the years though..I was surprised how much you kinda connected to the last two episodes but I’m glad it gave you time to get some things off your chest, you’re honestly doing a great job iamzamber I know I say it a lot but seriously Thankyou, you’re a good person and you try hard for everyone, I hope that a lot of good things come into your future both soon and later! You deserve it ^^