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Beep, Boop  Robo Zamber here with an upload while Zamber is AFK

Robot Advice, don't trust talking horses. Horses aren't real in cyberspace.


Over the Garden Wall S1 E5 6 Timer Patreon



I think we all learned not to trust talking horses from Mr. Ed, he caused nothing but trouble for poor Wilbur. But if you look at the show as Wilbur being a schizophrenic you can take a campy old show and give it a new twist, especially if you were to change some of the background music. Just saying you could make an interesting and very different feeling show.


2 pennies to take the ferry? Isn't that the toll on the river styx?


My very very half awake self read this as ghost in the shell and then saw the description and went “got it no trust in horses” then fell asleep XD


Mad Love is one of my favorites. The crazy rich “uncle” is one of the more fun side characters, and I think Greg’s silliness is used its best here.