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"  Treasure of the Found Lamp! "


Ducktales S2 E8 TIMER Patreon



At least we got Webby adorableness. “I like everything about you!”


This episode is such a fun episode. They used clever wordplay as well Djinn are in Arabic mythology fire spirits They are considered the third race. Humans were made from clay, IE: earth, Angels were divine made from the air, and Djinn were made from fire. Genies were a type of Djinn though genies granting wishes were more of a monkey's paw situation, in other words you have to be very careful in what you wish for. Also as anyone who has played Final Fantasy knows Ifrit is a fire spirit as well and is a type of Djinn. Djinn are still recognized in Islam's mythology. (and before anyone gets mad I refer to all religions as mythology, because when you break it down mythology means a system of beliefs, which every religion is). But is was refreshing to see some Arabic culture used tastefully. Honestly I'm a huge fan of middle eastern mythology like the Sumerians and the Egyptians. They predate and even influenced the Greeks.

Melody Dia

Lots of callbacks to the original Ducktales in this episode. The title, and framework for the plot, is a reference to the original Ducktales MOVIE. "Treasure of the Lost Lamp." Also the character D'jinn is a reference himself to the character Dijon, from that same movie (though this new version is MUCH better imo). And as to why the lamp was on top of that tower of tires? If you watch the original Ducaktales Opening, you will see it is actually a shot-for-shot re-imagining of one of the scenes in that opening. Also, gosh, I really loved the twist at the ending with the lamp. Super sweet, and not something i recall ever seeing before.


As a kid we had the Ducktales movie on VHS, I remember watching it one time on a trip to the Asheboro Zoo lol