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 "Handy Anne"  and  "Fort in the Road" 




*cough cough*  timer stuff


Amphibia S2 E1 TIMER Patreon



I sure am dreading that Liar Reveal drop with Hop Pop a d the Box. Right after all that “we’re family” sentiment. Also, Sprig and levers will be the death of them all.


I’m curious what the deal between Sasha and Anne is now. The new intro implies they’re still enemies, but that could be a dramatic mislead. I mean, Sasha did a self sacrifice for Anne. Buuut, she’s still with the Toads. So, I don’t know.


When the blue lights started turning on it really had a BOTW feel, even at first the arms of the robot thing looked like the legs of the giant robots. Man that was a great game, having grown up with the Zelda series, still remember getting the original on christmas morning as a kid, they often find some new exciting changes with the different games and an open world Zelda that huge was amazing. Also the little animals that got out the nest in the ruins looked like Sentret pokemon to me lol.