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Hi everyone!

A post I never thought I would have to write, but I thought it only fair to update you all on my situation. The ongoing protests near my home in Minneapolis have been a frightening time. I believe in the protests and justice for George Floyd will come. I hope everyone’s stays safe during this time. I wanted to inform you all that I did have to evacuate last night due to the protests and will have to again if things don’t change. The Gas station and Walgreens are burned to the grounds near my home.

I will be watching the news and keeping myself updated. It’s a scary time that I never thought I would have to deal with. I have loved ones calling me constantly for concern of my safety and friends, who are out there protesting peacefully. I am working on continueing to get videos up on Patreon while I’m home, but with the curfew in place on the entire state, I may need to evacuate again early to avoid being arrested for breaking curfew. Sooooo.... it’s fucking wild!

I appreciate you all so much and your patience last night with demon slayer. I didn’t have access to my computer all last night due to evacuating. I just wanted to keep you all informed on my current situation.


Brookie XD

Just please stay safe!!


Hope you stay safe!


Your safety is more important! Don't worry about updating just be careful and stay safe! ❤


Yeah stay safe that's all that matters :)


Hope you are safe, I began to worry wasn't sure if it was your area.


You do, what you need to do, keep safe.


Don't worry about posting, just stay safe


Stay safe out there!!


ouch, yeah your safety is far more important then getting a couple of vids out on time, I don't live in the US but from what I've seen the riots going on seem wild, wouldn't blame you if you took a little vacation to get away from all that, 2020 has been a wild year so far...

Commander Dodge

HOLY @#$%!!! I'm glad to hear that are still safe and sound Zamber. And I'm sorry to hear that it has been so close to your home. Don't worry about posting, I just hope that you and your loved are all staying safe during these crazy ass times. I'm praying that you all stay safe.


Your safety is absolutely the most important thing! We don't care if you can't do videos right now, this is the very definition of out of the ordinary circumstances and real life taking priority! Do whatever you have to do to stay safe, we'll all still be here rooting for you when things calm down!


You live IN Minneapolis? I can only imagine how scary that is. Stay safe!


Please stay safe in all the chaos! Appreciate the updates, your safety is priority <3


whoa! okay... i completely understand why your reaction was delayed! stay safe!


Wow I didnt know you lived there! I don't live in the US but it must be very scary right now. I hope you and your loved ones stay safe!


Please stay safe iamzamber and do what you gotta do


Take care of yourself. That’s more important than cartoons.