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"  You Must Master a Single Thing  "


Demon Slayer S1 E17 TIMER Patreon



For zenistu's sleep walking, while it is never fully explained in the manga, my theory is that conscious Zenistu is just as powerful as his unconscious state, its just that his fear holds him back. That's why I get kind of mad when people just say that he didn't earn his power, even though he trained hard for what seems to be years and only gets to reap the rewards of that training when he's half conscious


One of my favorite episodes of this season ! The few next are incredible can't wait to see your reaction to those !

Nathan Grenawalt

Yeah. Not a manga reader here, so no spoilers, but as I understand it he trained until he - literally - could do that move in his sleep. But his own self-doubt and belief that he is is worthless holds him back. That's why he at first needs to be asleep to pull it off. But maybe with more people believing in him that will change?


Trust me, Zenitsu only gets better


It said it doesn’t exist


You know, I don't understand the spider hate. I mean honesty spiders are pretty helpful, same with centipedes and praying mantises. I mean they are more over hyped as a threat. Same thing with sharks.