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 "In Dreams" and  "Bismuth Casual" 



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I loved these episodes to death, I can’t get over peridot or bispearl,,,, now to wait for everything to go to shit for our son!


Honestly, the first part brought me to tears because I have abandonment issues myself, both my parents had died by the time I was 19. I don't make friends easily, I'm autistic but I've fended for myself for 20 years so like I said the first episode really hit me hard. The episode though, I'm gonna disagree with Zamber on the putting a band aid on a massive wound thinking. Loneliness, or isolation is one of the 10 aspects of death, Its a terrible burden that we all have to deal with... but I don't see this so much as putting a band aid on it as much more likely addressing it, confronting it and learning to overcome it. Basically it's the hero's journey form of storytelling, which honestly it's one of my favorite styles of writing. Dan Harmon often uses it in his writing.


Did you notice that Steven woke up in his old room before trying to get Dream!Peridot's attention? Another quick example that he's in a dream before the viewer realises it.