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"  Hooty's Moving Hassle "



Watch 6 - Longhair Cartoon on Dailymotion



This was a sweet episode, I remember having sleepovers as a kid.


Never did any witchy stuff at sleepovers, but I did do a treehouse sleepover with scary stories. Sleepovers in the house were more about bad movies, bad games.... and maybe sneaking a peak at 2am porn back in the old days before the internet. I’m old.


I wonder if Willow’s comment on the “power of friendship” was a throwaway joke, or not. Because 5 girls at the other sleepover couldn’t move a doll. And Amity was sitting away from the group, making me wonder if she even likes them. I get that they’re building up that Willow has significant latent power, but I imagine Amity doesn’t hang out out with weak witches. But they failed.


Maybe the "power of friendship" is a factor in the ritual, but what I think is that Amity and the others might've been uncoordinated or focused, or they actually just lacked the power/ability to animate even small things. But hey, I do see that the "power of friendship" could be a big factor in the ritual, or maybe something about friendship gives them power. I'd accept it if that were the case, but I think there's something else going on for why they could animate an entire house and the others couldn't.


Anyone else find it odd/interesting that when King talks, we never see his mouth move? Maybe it’s obscured by his skull mask or maybe he communicates some other way?


I assume it’s just hidden by the skull. Ice way to save on animation, one of the main characters never needs lip synch.