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 Thank you to my BFF Tier for the month of January! (the other half of the request is here) 

" Dove "



Watch 3 - video dailymotion - Tanya Strong on dailymotion



"This dude has like 3 different versions of himself well, technically 4" (I'm just gonna laugh about that for a bit.) Also as far as why that big guy from the first episode had those plier like things... well the easy answer is he's a raving psychopath, the inspectors noted that they believe it's a ghoul surgical tool and his codename is Jason and he wears a mask resembling a goalie's mask... subtlety is not what they were going for with him lol. One thing I will tell you about this show is that season 2, which is called "Root" A (I put root in quotations because its actually written as the square root symbol but my phone doesn't have that symbol), is not as good as season 1 but then again most of the season is filler stuff scattered with some events from the manga. Also, I'm sure you've already realized Mado is a bit of a psycho himself.


Also got a question, was for Feburary's BFF tier suggestion would I be able to do my nomination as 2 series? One of them is Parasyte, I figure we've watched this many episodes might as well work to finish the series especially considering it's not a long series (24 episodes) and, it seems to certainly be popular.


I would like to try to not... encourage... two series. I like to save that incase of a tie. If i let two shows into one spot and let it be voted one, I might end up with no way to solve a tie vote.


No problem, and it seems things have cooled on Parasyte anyway lol


Also Jonathan Young does an amazing cover of this song, LeeandLie does ok, but Johnathan Young does a more heavy metal sound, and just personal preference