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Thank you to my BFF Tier for the month of January! (the other half of the request is here)

"  Tragedy " and "  Incubation "



Watch 1-2 - video dailymotion - Tanya Strong on dailymotion



When you asked about did the doctor know what he was doing well, when Kaneki mentions how everything tastes disgusting the doctor cracks a small smile. In the manga they make it a bit more clear, but yes he did know exactly what he was doing. Also in the manga they go into far more detail on kagunes (the stuff that come out of the ghouls that they attack with) like they sprout out of one of 4 locations and kinda have a whole rock paper scissors quality where different types are effective against each other and each type tends to have certain features. Kaneki for example has a rinkaku type and ghouls with that type tend to have good regenerative abilities. I know that by part way through season 3 part 2 of the anime they haven't really gone over this, and since it's covered pretty early in the manga they probably never actually cover it in the anime, a bit of this is explained in the manga as Touka helps train Kaneki to use his kagune (more manga only stuff.) This is definitely a show where the manga is way more in depth.