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blob, fat, mouse, sweet sexy sex scenes, m/f among other things! Continue at your own discretion!

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Installment 6 in Fibre Optic Bundles of Joy! Story written by Rabid Badger of FA, illustrated by me !

Rabid's FA is here:http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rabidbadger/

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She’d actually woken up without any crazy surprises today, and without any hoses in her face – this was a damn rare occasion for Agatha. She felt her left buttock vibrate gently as her symbiotic artificial intelligence ‘child’ did some intense thinking about some subject or another – and felt her inner ear do the same as he let out a chipper greeting.

Morning mom! Kind of – I mean, it’s not like this station has a solar cycle, but you get the drift.

Agatha licked her lips a bit, feeling the thick paste of caked in frosting in her fur. It still tasted delightfully of exotic fruits. Her first deep breath of the day followed, watching as the crest of her chest rose up and blotted out her view in front of herself with a horizon of flesh. It fell as she exhaled, enjoying the cleansing sensation of scrubbed air inside her. She felt filthy otherwise, but at least below the surface things weren’t so bad.

Pressure in her depths shifted, leaving the mountainous mouse producing something for the air scrubbers to tend to afresh as she felt her helpless body do the only active thing it really did anymore apart from eat. Her colossal, quaking buttocks spread apart as she let loose a wind storm of gasses. Mostly harmless, a little methane, maybe a hint of sulfur – clearly something in that mess last night had been a bit more than she was used to. Agatha winced through the three and a half seconds it lasted, trying desperately not to blush as her thoughts dwelt on just how little control she had of anything anymore.

She’d tried to restrain herself, tried to hold the outburst back. Tensed up muscles in the familiar way, or had at least thought about doing it. The mental intent hadn’t actually led to her body doing anything of the sort, and while she sat there thinking ‘control yourself’ in a quiet mantra her body had gone about its own business and bathed the entire inside of the ship in flatulence. Immediately afterward she’d started to sweat a little, felt a rush of heat in her face, and in the deep crevices between her long-unseen thighs. Did she really enjoy having so little control over her own body, her own life?

“M-morning Red. Are you – are we – is everything still alright? Nobody’s followed us here and we’re not destitute, yeah?”

Agatha felt lightheaded as the six maglev plates bonded to her body buzzed to life, causing her to float gently upward. She wasn’t precisely weightless, she’d felt that before, but as a related concept her weight was greater than zero, but no longer a consequential factor in the equation. The only real reminder about was the way her blubbery folds sagged down around the plates as she lifted upward, the way they swayed gently every time she stopped moving. Right now though her offspring seemed content to hover them in place.

We are indeed alright – and I might have a couple things we can do job-wise. Wanna hear?

The bloated parody of a mouse took another breath before she nodded, watching as the red/orange light of her child’s visual avatar sprang to life in the creamy (both chromatically and literally – she really needed a shower) fur of her belly. He smiled at her, she loved that – somehow, two-dimensional as it was, and even knowing it was just a representation for ease of interaction and not a real face, she could still swear it looked warm. Agatha nodded at his grinning visage, and adopted a smile of her own – her child’s presence was one of the only comforting, safe things left to her now.

“Yeah, yeah lay it on me.”

Red’s visage grinned ear to ear, so to speak.

Okay, two things I found seem a bit more promising than other options, and if we do both not only are we set for food for a good while but we can refit and refuel the ship. First, market research for the first one – you know, product testing and post-test surveys, that kind of thing. The more things we test at the same time the more each one pays, and the max is calculated by body size and weight so we can push that really far.

“Err, that kind of – testing what?”

The glowing face didn’t seem to hear her – which she knew was bullshit, his infrastructure was bonded to her entire body. Even if he couldn’t read her thoughts (and frankly she wasn’t sure about that) Red could read her movements from the inside out, including vocalization and lip movement.

The other is uh, a little more – well, this station is owned by someone named Glauren? They’re interested in a private visit. I get the impression they- well, here- let me just show you.

Agatha made a mental note not to forget that she hadn’t gotten her answer about the what they were testing issue. Meanwhile she watched as Red’s visage vanished, but a fresh image began to draw itself onto the curvature of her expansive right tit. It was a hell of a canvas, each one was a bit larger than her head, more than enough room to present an adequate representation of an enormous red-scaled man. The first thing Agatha thought was that he looked dragonish, which had to be a result of some clever gene modding. Well muscled, grinning into the image, he reeked of confidence even in the image.

The second thing was that it looked like his legs were off or something, one was discolored and only one was digitigrade. Red could actually see the process of her absorbing what she was looking at, the slow squint followed by her eyes widening just as fast – and a worried little squeaking fart accompanying the moment. She wasn’t looking at a leg, she was looking at nearly a yard of ebon cock hanging between Glaurec’s legs.

What I gather from reading between the lines is Glaurec didn’t exactly think through having a meter long cock and misses being able to bury himself up to the hilt? But he doesn’t like synethetics, so when he saw our ass on the big screen in the promenade yesterday he-

Agatha was making a noise like a tea kettle that was ready, looking visibly distressed and squinting as hard as she possibly could. She could feel buzzing in her belly, deep in her womb, and hear Red in her ear trying to get her attention, but it wasn’t until a familiar pinching sensation in her head that she actually did so. This wasn’t entirely her own decision, as she felt hormones and endorphins flood into her from artificially stimulated glands her state of mind adjusted predictably. She drooled a little, adopting a vacant, dumb smile while Red tried to regroup from the interruption.

She wasn’t even trying to ignore the soaked, throbbing heat between her legs anymore. Even her state of mind wasn’t really hers, she told herself – and there was a spattering sound beneath her as she drizzled thick ropes from between her legs, like someone icing a cinnamon roll. Agatha retreated into herself, into the inarguable evidence of there being some piece of her that loved this, trying the idea on like a piece of clothing and finding it fit every direly obese curve like it had been tailor made. Her eyes opened slowly, the drowsy (and still drooling) smile still plastered snugly between her wobbling jowls. Red’s face was on her breast again, looking visibly worried.

..Mom, are you alright now? Did I fix it?

Agatha took a slow breath again, then nodded very weakly. She let her eyes drift shut, but did not sleep. The mouse just let the acceptance suffuse her like the hormones and nanites and drugs had been doing for weeks now, and then spoke.
“Fuck it, say yes to them both.”

Red’s lips tugged to the side hesitantly, then started to spread with more confidence.

I’ll make the calls.


She didn’t see or hear the calls, but Red kept her largely appraised of the whole thing. They were going to head to the research center immediately, and Glaurec was going to meet them there in half an hour – just enough time, he guessed, to get in and have them prep the two of them. He hadn’t wasted time getting them to the door afterward, the quiet hiss of the bulkhead receding into the floor sounded and Agatha once more stared into the bright lights and bustling bodies of the promenade.

Just like last night, she watched as fully half of the furs she could see turned to stare at her. Some of them immediately glanced away, some wrinkled their face in revulsion, more than a few visibly deviated from staring into ogling while they either touched themselves somewhere or visibly squirmed.

We’ve actually had emails asking how to get this big – if I didn’t hate the Cloud so much I’d tell them.

Agatha quietly relished the feeling as they began moving, the sensation of the dangling folds of fat hanging off her body swaying backward from the momentum and wobbling like pendulums afterward. She found herself imagining being hauled along on an old wooden cart through streets as they parted the crowd ahead of them gradually, a figure to be stared at, to have food thrown at her, and then came the hands. It began immediately when they breached the edge of the crowd, people stealing a little touch – gently grazing her, slapping her to see her jiggle, jamming their hand in to see how far it sank – she’d squeaked in shame yesterday, this time it was in pleasure.

Some quiet part of Agatha’s mind told her there was something wrong with changing her reaction this drastically overnight. It wasn’t a very prominent voice in her mind anymore though, and she didn’t really grant it much attention to speak of. Besides, they were approaching the unlabeled bulkhead that, Red assured her, was their destination.

Agatha felt her belly bump into the cold, metal wall. She began to drift lightly backward before a small green sensor lit itself up, scanning her, then turned blue as the bulkhead began to part and opened the way for them. As soon as they’d passed it they heard the doors begin closing, and noticed the next set weren’t yet open. This would’ve been disconcerting if not for the terse, feminine voice coming over the speakers.

“Stay there, try to hold still – we’re starting the surface decontamination. This’ll only take a second and shouldn’t hurt.”

I’ve heard THAT before.

Agatha looked sympathetically down at her son’s visage, but if this really was just a cleaning-

She heard machinery spring to life – and saw some of it. Telescoping arms coming from the walls, each one mounted with what resembled nothing quite so much as a shower head. They got to within a meter or so before the jets fired, potent things that punched deep divots into her pliant flab, just a little colder than room temperature in each case. Agatha watched as they sprayed deep into the crevices of her folds, angled to rinse out under her tits (which tickled immensely), did something similar to her navel and then came a fresh squeak of surprise as she simultaneously experienced three of them flooding the canyon between her ass cheeks and two more firing powerful jets directly between her thighs.

They were the last bit of it, it turned out. Soaking wet, Agatha hovered there as she heard Red giggling in her ear (literally). The shower heads collapsed in on themselves, then honestly looked like they bloomed in the fashion of flowers. They didn’t become flora though, they sprouted pink brush bristles, which immediately set upon Agatha’s floating, bedraggled body. The giggling in Agatha’s ears intensified rapidly as she felt the expansive reservoirs of fat distributed all through her body rapidly vibrate and wobble. It actually got a bit of a grin and a chuckle from the mouse, who was having a much easier time of it than her ticklish AI symbiote child. She particularly found herself enjoying it when the brushes had worked their way down her neck and tits to her belly, something about the extra loose flesh at the end that usually hung between her knees felt a little more sensitive. Plus it preceded the little buzzing apparatuses diving between her legs and starting to caress her ass cheeks. In the final moments she heard an almost chainsaw like sound as her posterior shook and quaked through a gentler than usual eruption. Agatha hoped, futilely, that nobody had heard it while the buzzing arms wound down and that terse voice chimed in again.

“Continue to the next chamber to begin testing.”

Ohmygod that was too much! Hah! I can’t- hehe- I’m glad I don’t have to breathe, wow!

Agatha was still smiling through a blush as they floated onward, though as she passed the first few yards of wall she caught sight of the signage reading ‘vehicle and specimen loading and cleaning’ and felt a fresh twinge travel up her well insulated spine. She’d just been through a car wash.

There were clear arrows and signs directing them from that point, Red’s giggling was slowly clearing up as they floated silently onward. The timestamp on Agatha’s vision put them at about twenty minutes in from start, a little early. Which might be why they found people still preparing machinery when she and Red glided into the testing chamber.

This sight, chilled her somewhat – something that took a bit of doing these days. She counted at least three hypo units feeding from some of the largest chemical reservoirs she’d ever seen in medical equipment – they had to be ten liters apiece. Then there was, indeed, a hose. The mouse stared at that one with resignation – she really wasn’t going to get through a day without a hose feeding ever again, was she?
“How the heck many things were we testing again Red..?”

She tried not to sound as worried as she suddenly was, a lack of chemical induced euphoria was excellent at prompting second-guessing your decisions it seemed.
“Five in the long run, looks like four to start with?”

Agatha always found it odd when he spoke audibly, for others as well – some part of her had to vibrate thoroughly enough to allow for this and that usually meant random bones shaking inside her. It was almost enough to distract her from the visitor – or maybe director? She saw a statuesque swan in a lab coat, holding a tablet, staring dispassionately down at them from an overhead viewing booth (and yet she thought she detected a hint of something else behind the distant avian’s eyes).

She felt herself land on the floor abruptly, a dull thunk and a full-body cascade of wobbling lard and meat occupied her mind while a myriad bunch of interns ran about and slapped dermal junction pads onto her limbs, then hooked each one up to a hypo delivery tube. The helpless mouse was growing ever more wary of having agreed to this, and when the faint hiss of the devices activating began it all came to a head.

Which is to say it all went to her head, and quickly too. She felt very warm, but also exceedingly weak in the limbs (not that she could move them anyway) and seemed to be sweating a little. There was an unnerving squelching sound that made her skin crawl, partly because it seemed to be coming from underneath it. The swan above seemed to be checking things off as she observed the mouse, and received telemetry from Red she guessed, while down with her she watched a black feline intern begin to crawl up her belly and move to fiddle with one of the dermal junction pads (maybe it was on crooked?). As the fourth infusion started she shuddered gently, and then Agatha felt a stinging itch in her nose.

Agatha sneezed.

The walls shuddered, and the intern shot backward into them which caused them to shudder afresh. The feline let out a low groaning mrowl as he crumped slowly and was hauled off by the others. The voice of the avian above said something about ‘mild allergic reaction’ just before Agatha heard the sound of the bulkheads behind her hissing open. She actually heard thumps as he walked. Thud, thud, slide. The slide was alarming in and of itself – it suddenly occurred to her that Red’s picture could be out of date.

“Ah, mister Glaurec, sir. Good to see you back and in good spirits. If you could position yourself behind the subject?”

Agatha tried to focus, but that heat in her blood wasn’t letting her. She could hear it thundering in her veins, feel little prickles of sensitive light it was carrying with it, but it got stuck here and there. Like it seemed to be bunching up and clustering around her nipples, and the puffy flesh between her legs, and then (she felt to her horror) in the deeply buried center of her ass.

“I think the accelerants and bio-fuel are saturated enough now – you can begin any time you like.”

Agatha felt two enormous hands dig deep into the soft, yielding flesh of her buttocks. She heard a slow, lewd breath behind her. Then a noise she could only really call ‘wet’, coupled with a musky, salty smell.

“Obliged, madam Caerresk.”

The mouse’s addled mind immediately thought of old crooners – of people with oil sick hair and lazy smiles. Granted the oil slick image went entirely different places a moment later when she felt something cold, slick, and extremely clingy push itself between her buttocks by way of an enormous, hard, clawed hand. It brought dollop after dollop of the stuff to her, requiring five or six handfuls to smear a generous coating across the expanse between her cheeks. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind she heard Red comment about ‘number five’.

Agatha didn’t get to ask any of the half-formed questions she found springing to life in her mind. They were put on indefinite hold as she felt something lumpy, smooth, and firm slide effortlessly into the tightly pressed and folded globes of her rump. She swallowed hard as it slid inexorably inward, feeling the uneven contours of thick veins and the oblong flared head. The insane part was that it was still coming, but then that had been the entire point right? She felt those hands clenched tight around her cheeks, getting the best grip they could as their owner pushed further. Agatha then finally felt the head of that enormous member kiss the lips of her ring, and all those bunched up sparkles of lingering chemically induced sensation exploded.

It was like her nerves were being painted gold, and then soaked in lemon crème schnapps, then licked clean by the tongue of a virginal saint. If some other orifice had been involved then maybe the lemon and the gold would’ve been presented in some other fashion, but Agatha was feeling the effects of ‘market research’ that involved taking an unwieldy member up her indomitable behind.

It was rather like every inch of her had been slathered in pleasure, instead of sweat and lube. The other areas she’d felt the odd tingling buildup in began to buzz gently as the dragon-looking executive or entrepreneur or whatever the hell Glaurec was finally reached his limit. She felt thick muscled legs, a barrel like chest, and of course – felt at least a foot of reptile meat nestled up her nethers. All of which abruptly shook gently.

“Oh Chrome – fuck. You have- you, you’ve got no idea – Chrome, pardon my language – it’s been so long since I bottomed out, this-“

Agatha heard a strangled grunt, which turned into something of a roar as those hands gripping her buttocks tightened and pressed inward. She thought she heard a hissed whisper that sounded like ‘tighter’, but couldn’t be sure. The pressure eased as he pulled back, but the glow remained – she felt herself collapse down to a ‘normal’ size when his dick left her and it was glorious, but she’d felt some kind of odd squishy clenching at the peaks of her tits and buried deep in the abyss between her thighs as well. Then, as the scaly mogul behind her lunged inward once more, the Mouse loosed a strangled whine of ecstasy as that too seemed to happen to her in four places at once.

“This is bliss.”

As the man behind her began to find a rhythm, pulling twelve to eighteen inches out and then leaning forward to plunge back through the wet, frictionless folds, Agatha just leaned her head back and let it happen. The gentle hiss and pressure on each limb as she was steadily, gently flooded with chemicals. The desperate plunging behind her causing a ripple to move down her body with each impact. One more experience so intense it menaced and battered at the limits of her ability to cope with it. Each push she felt that curious spreading sensation in her chest, and down in her sex, with those little shining motes of pleasure migrating their way around her bloodstream.

She was only dimly aware that her mouth was hanging open, and she’d begun drooling. Even that was really only due to the next oddity she noticed – those little particles of sensation she was flooded by were starting to pool again, only this time they were settling in her lips. That got her attention, at least as much as anything was able to. She had a brief moment of something that was a cousin to dread, but didn’t quite have the same bite, before Glaurec’s latest thrust. She could feel him quivering now, knew he wasn’t terribly far off – Chrome knows how he’d lasted so long if he was as pent up as he sounded. She felt him quivering because she felt it across four, make that five orifices. Her nipples buzzed, her nethers twitched and jerked, and her lips entirely involuntarily opened up in a wide ‘O’ as the draconic looking man behind her dug his claws into the metal floor so hard they screeched to bury himself to the hilt in her again – like he was plunging Excalibur into a stone.
Her lips wouldn’t close. She tried to make them, there was just barely enough focus through the haze of delight for that, but the most curious of things happened instead. She flexed her hindquarters on the draconic man’s still twitching cock instead, and felt it begin a deluge of searing hot spunk into her depths. The swan up above was staring furiously down at her pad, ignoring everything else. The interns not so much, she was dimly aware of most of them either pleasuring themselves or each other, but that bird was apparently interested in nothing but the science – and found it almost as arousing.

Agatha lost count of how many jerking bucks set her ass shaking while Glaurec finished deep inside her, dumping thick ropes of gooey, warm spunk into her depths. The wet sucking sound that accompanied him finally pulling loose for good came tied to the ability to properly close her mouth again, which she looked grateful to be able to do. Somewhere behind her she thought she heard the interns and the showerheads, maybe tending to the executive cleaning himself up before he left? The swan, meanwhile, was marching down toward her and looking rather pleased.

“That was an excellent simultaneous test. The arousal accelerants and nutrients held up fine, but we knew they would. The nerve conduction synchronization was glorious though – I mean the ‘O’ face was a bit unexpected but it’s not hard to explain either.”

The gigantic lump of mouse was still trying to catch her breath, wallowing in sweat, lubricant, and leaking from her rump. Red was curiously silent, though she felt him buzzing down in her womb so she wasn’t terribly worried yet. Probably just still processing the event. The swan meanwhile walked a few feet to the side, perching one clawed foot on Agatha’s thigh, giving it a shake. Maybe she’d had to get some kind of contact with the obese behemoth out of her system too, and was making use of the interns being too busy to see. She continued around, out of Agatha’s sight, though the mouse was given something else to look at as a small red/orange sphere blurred into being on her left tit.

“The lubricant looks like it’s absorbing in nicely too – that should sustain itself for a good long time I think based on the data.”

Agatha blinked, and tried to turn her head – accomplishing little more than nestling her mouth into a roll of fat.

“Sustain itself?”

The swan’s voice came from her other side this time, and Agatha swung her head around as best she could to catch up.

“Yes dear, self-replicating lubricant for extra-long fights with high operation time machinery, or just for people who have to squeeze large bodies into tight clothes. Of course Glaurec went a little heavy on the stuff, but it shouldn’t be any major inconvenience given your lack of garb and preferred method of locomotion. Your credits are already deposited, as soon as you feel up to it go ahead and fire up your maglev plates and see yourself out.”

The tall, thin white bird wandered off and left her there. Agatha stared down at the dot again, watching it slowly grow two eyes, a black dot of a nose, and a pair of triangular ears – but they weren’t terribly detailed. Red was, it seemed, still a bit raw after all that. Though not so much so as to be unable to lift them off and start them slowly floating backward.

That was a bit.. intense? You’re okay right? I am too, promise. I just need to take some time and sort out what the hell just happened. Meantime, how do you feel about three hundred and sixty degree sonic showers?



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