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Installment 5 in Fibre Optic Bundles of Joy! Story written by Rabid Badger of FA, illustrated by me !

Rabid's FA is here:http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rabidbadger/

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Agatha woke slowly, as was often the case. The alterations to her metabolism and energy requirements thanks to Red’s presence in her body had taken their toll, leaving her sleeping as much as twelve hours at a time frequently, and often spending half of the remaining time in her day eating. Red didn’t have to sleep, though he did claim he went through some quiet maintenance cycles while she was out she had for obvious reasons never seen evidence of this, and as such in the days since their escape she often found herself in a different part of the ship than she went to bed in. Sometimes she was in the automated shower (actually a cleaning room meant for small vehicles), others she would awake and find a feeding hose already in her face and a movie on, in which case she usually just settled in and let the comforting bliss of sharing with her child overtake her.

This was not one of those days.

Agatha blinked her eyes clear slowly, figuring from the light and noise that Red was watching something with the screen expanded as far as it would go again. She figured out that wasn’t the case quite rapidly when she felt hands on her. Red didn’t have hands. The ship’s mechanical arms kind of did, but they were cold and hard – this wasn’t. Reality assailed her.

She was in the middle of a crowded promenade. The noise was people, shoppers and shop owners, giant heads on giant view screens. The hands were- well, hands. Agatha’s eyes went wide as she froze entirely – not that that really meant anything to someone about as able to move under their own power as the average patch of moss. Agatha wasn’t ready for this, she’d thought about it once or twice in the last while but good sweet Chrome was she ever not actually ready!

There were so damn many lights, white and blue and orange. Overstimulation, anxiety, Agatha’s breathing went erratic as can be until she felt an entirely unwarranted barrage of endorphins float into her bloodstream, and realized the orange light (with hints of crimson) was coming from the surface of her belly. Red looked concerned, maybe even a little apologetic.

Crap! Uh, morning mom! I took us shopping!

Agatha’s heart rate and breathing evened out, but that was purely chemically induced. She still felt her brain racing. Those lights – the little white flashes, those were holo cameras, and a huge percentage of them were pointed right at her. Some were running video, some taking snapshots. She had been terrified of exactly this thing happening but she wanted to talk about it, to find way around it, something!

The murmuring didn’t stop, but it was hard to make anything out in the cacophony of voices, the ebbing and flowing sea of furs, the only voice that always rang clear was Red’s.

Mom it’s okay! What’s wrong?!

Agatha found her voice buried somewhere under that avalanche of adipose that she had for a chest and belly.

“They-“ *huff* “can” *huff* “see me like this!”

Red’s expression adopted an odd look, his head tilting gently. A short little bunny in a green body suit beside them nodded for one reason or another, but Agatha couldn’t make out what was going on.

Well – yeah mom! We had to go out sometime.

Intellectually Agatha knew this was true, there was no way she could stay in the ship hiding indefinitely. Shock was a hell of a thing though. She struggled briefly, trying to shake her arms and legs, mostly out of lingering instinct. A faint buzz in her neck saw that end as her limbs (and everything else) went helplessly limp, her breathing slowed down to a regular rate, and she once more heard the voice her artificial child in her inner ears.

Whoah, mom, you’re worrying me here! It’s okay! I made sure we had clearance to move a large object around, nobody’s going to come after us for being out here to shop.

Clearance? Agatha blinked, her body forcibly calmed down for her by her child. Red thought this was about regulations. She looked down at her child’s concerned face, on the crest of her belly.

It had never even occurred to him to worry about being a spectacle.

I promise, we’re fine.

“A little bit to the left, then press in.”

Agatha blinked. That was Red’s voice, but not in her ears. She’d felt a curious vibration in her skin right around her left buttock and she’d heard him from the same area more or less. Then came the hand, again. A little groping hand, pushing deep into her ass cheek like it had business in there.

“Hey! What th-“

There was a gentle beep, the kind you usually associate with price scanners. Which, upon seeing the slender black furred bunny wander over to the booth at her side (she could make out the ears, and some exotic looking fruits mostly) was exactly what it was.

Agatha blinked slowly again, but Red was on the ball to explain this time it seemed.

Had to relocate the credit node from your hand, not like many of these folks can reach that high, so I found a nice safe spot in your ass that seems to do just fine!

Her next blink wasn’t any faster than the one that preceded it, but the slowly progressing insanity of this all was jostled by something literally shaking her. The little rabbit, lean and covered up to the neck in that shiny green suit, was right by the crest of her belly. Agatha only had the briefest of chances to wonder what she was doing there before the lapine began to scale her like a squishy mountain.

She vaulted her legs over the twin oblong blobs that met at her belly first, then flung herself onto the crested dome that rested above them. She momentarily met Agatha’s gaze from between the twin globes of the mouse’s tremendous, wobbling tits. Agatha still looked bemused and unsteady, the rabbit (who she noted now had a short spiky mess of pink hair) looked eager about something, hungry for it even, which did not in any way set Agatha’s mind at ease – but the little bunny scaling Mount Fatass wasn’t carrying anything the mouse could see.

She had just been about to ask herself, or maybe Red, or the rabbit what was going on when the bunny slid the rest of the way up, smooth latex sliding over silky fur. She sat cross-legged in the little indentation between left tit, right tit, and the donut of fat around Agatha’s neck. Then the little bun, still grinning with her ears hanging over her left eye, pushed a button on one of the wrist cuffs of the green outfit. A soft whirring came to life beside her, but Red’s voice sounded clarion in her skull before she could guess at why.

You’re gonna love this. She has all kinds of fruits from exotic places converted into pastries, shakes, cobbler, pies – a few of them have weird side effects but I’ve run the info on em, nothing’s toxic and it honestly sounds like a ton of fun.

Agatha’s voice managed to claw its way up to the surface again, fresh confusion and worry prevalent in its quivering and higher than usual pitch.

“But how did we pay for-“

Her jaw went slack abruptly. Not from fresh shock, but from more of that nervous-system override relaxation. Agatha’s entire body sagged a little, shoulders slumping as much as they were able, mouth hanging open, chin dropping (which is to say her primary chin spelunking into her second and third ones). Then it became clear what the sound was – the rabbit’s entire food stand had elevated itself on telescoping legs, and extended its surface to something akin to three times the previously seen surface area. Bowls and platters shot out with it, as well as a huge keg with several unlabeled bottles of murky but colorful liquid. The Rabbit’s grin was looking ever more sinister, hungry for something that had nothing to do with food.

Well as soon as we started showing up on the enormous monitors they have around the station we got a lot of attention from the locals, including some mail about something that was in the Cloud’s logs regarding sharing sensory data the way we do, but with no associated control?

Agatha’s brain tried its level best to go into a seething fury about that. Peep shows? Red had sold out sensory peep shows on her as soon as the mail came in about ‘enormous blob of a fur flies in’?

I didn’t really like the idea of sharing space, don’t trust em, but I ran background checks just the same and there were some people who checked out. Money, no record, lack of technical savvy.

That almost helped. Meanwhile the rabbit had reached for a small bowl of fried tarts, some laced with powdered sugar and some with glaze. She placed one of each in Agatha’s gaping mouth, which gently guided itself shut on Red’s command rather than her own.

“That pair only works mixed – causes a kind of floaty euphoria.”

Agatha’s jaws clamped tight on both tarts, one stuffed in each cheek, before they compressed the whole mess together onto her tongue. Her sharp intake of breath wasn’t due to fear this time, but rather the hot-pink glow that radiated from her face downward. Her chest tingled sharply, and the mouse’s eyes drooped into a lewd and vacant gaze.

In the end I found about seventeen that seemed fairly trustworthy, one of them is actually paying for all this as we speak! Nice of em, isn’t it?

Her eyes focused again. Seventeen!? Seventeen other people were riding along for her son’s gluttony parade while the entire promenade took pictures of her ass?!

The bunny slid in four more tarts, two of each, and Agatha’s face robotically obeyed Red’s desire for another dose of that wanton pleasure. The little bunny bounced where she sat ensconced in fat and fur, her hips squirming as she seized the remaining six pastries and crammed them haphazardly into Agatha’s waiting maw.

Red was talking, but she couldn’t hear. Or she could, but it just wasn’t making it into her brain proper. Agatha felt a cold sweat start underneath her, somewhere buried deep in the cavernous folds of flesh that dwelt between her thighs. There were hands again, not just the two up top but all around. Little paws, big ones, thick ones, slender rodent things, some were brave enough to rub their face into her thigh. She watched with eyes shut as pink fireworks burst into her senses in the shapes of each. Four and three and five fingers, soft pads and firm scales, little button noses, teeth and tongues that did no harm but made everything better. Agatha felt a hot flood between her legs.

Red wallowed, exulted, and was privy to a flood of a different kind. It had commas and decimals.

The little bunny wasn’t idle either, while the mouse languished in euphoric doom she was heard shaking bottles and ice, and then the operating of a muffled blender. As she felt her face chew the last of the crumbly crusts and gooey filling, still coating her mouth after she swallowed, Agatha started to just barely recover some semblance of coherent thought.

It was just enough to register that she’d had a hose stuck into her lips, which clamped down on them like a newborn on its mother’s teat. This was an odd mixture that followed, almost airy and scouring compared to the thick mess that preceded it, but it cleansed the film that lingered on her mouth out pretty effectively and that was probably important. The foamy, fizzy deluge in her face had a cream texture to it, and she could swear it tasted like strawberries and rhubarb, an old favorite from back in her mother’s kitchen. The nostalgia warmed her before anything else did.

The concoction did do some warming of its own though. It pooled in her vast reservoir of a stomach only briefly, seeming to dissipate and saturate the bulk of her moments later. Probably for the best as that keg looked to be five gallons or more. This one wasn’t putting her through the shameful haze of pleasure just yet though, which instead of being a relief only served to leave her that much more aware of how the crowd around her had pressed in on all three sides not occupied by the cart. All of them nudging, fondling, giggling, rubbing – she’d have let out an alarmed squeak if she could have when she felt someone’s entire arm exploring the depths of the canyon between her ass cheeks.

The flavor shifted on her, the tart divinity of rhubarb and strawberry giving way to the softer delight of blueberries and cream. She felt an ever-increasing pressure begin to well up inside, leaving the dome of her gut uncomfortably taut. Agatha let out a pleased little whimper in spite of herself, it was one of her favorite flavors before all this craziness began. So just maybe she didn’t begrudge this part quite as much, maybe. She still wished whoever was trying to literally crawl up her butt would give it a rest though. The hot wash of deep embarrassment hadn’t left her at any point, but being helpless to do anything about it had dulled some of the edge.

At least they seemed to be having fun with it.

The barrage in her face took one last turn, from blue to orange, from cream to sorbet. This time the mouse’s reaction was a resigned, satisfied exhale as her eyes drooped low with fresh fatigue and resignation. The little bunny on her chest waited until the pump that was filling her chugged twice before removing the hose, before turning the thing off. Agatha’s first breath through her mouth was a shuddering one, feeling that last wave hit her stomach and promptly evaporate as well.

When she tried to exhale she felt her whole form shudder, pressure crawled out of her depths and into her chest, then up out of her muzzle. The belch lasted a solid six seconds, and was quite a thing to see. She exhaled a sparkling pink mist through the first two seconds, which the bunny leaned right into – it blurred purple momentarily, then shifted into a deep indigo. Agatha felt additional pressure as the lapine stood up, then bounced a little – which caused the final wave (which had turned a brilliant orange) to eject from her in bursts. When the whole thing passed Agatha felt like she’d collapsed backward again (which meant little, but she felt it just the same) and the rabbit was posing atop her gut, the formerly green suit now painted from the top down in a spattered, waving pattern of pink, indigo, and then pulsing waves of orange for her legs. There was even some freckled pink around her face.

“Thanks luv!”

Agatha shuddered a little on the tail end of it before she could speak.


Somewhere in her ear Red was giggling like someone was tickling him – which, it occurred to her, was kind of happening. Could he be ticklish if she wasn’t? That thought was rolling around her head idly as the painted lapine shoved a small pie into her face, then climbed onto her own stand and started it descending.

The panels fused to her legs, ass, and back buzzed to life then. Apparently they had further places to be. Her child’s voice was still snickering a bit in her ears, but he (and she, at this point) seemed to be calming down.

As she started moving she felt someone slide out from between her buttocks, undoubtedly caught unaware in their nest. Agatha thought she heard them fall to the ground, served them right, but in the meantime she realized something.

“Red – what the, are – are they still, you know-“

Nah, the show’s over now. We raked in money for that though, should keep us in entertainment for a while. Speaking of, there’s some kind of circus performing in one of the empty hangar bays in about half an hour we’re going to. Getting a bunch of offers for ‘private time’ with us here too, want me to leave those be for now?

“Please, for the love of Chrome yes, I don’t think I can take that right now.”

The fur on her right tit began to glow orange, manifesting the luminous avatar of her internally mounted AI ‘child’. He looked concerned.

“Mom is everything okay? None of that was against regulations, I checked! Promise!”

Agatha sighed gently, trying to muster a smile for the boy. Dimly aware that they had stopped once again, this time at some kind of hardware stall that looked like it dealt in questionable or salvaged material. The grungy looking lizard behind the counter stared at her for several long moments before he eyeballed her hip, and raised an eyebrow at it. She heard Red’s voice again, asking about components of some kind, but with him speaking in her ears as well it was difficult to make out specifics.

“I just wasn’t ready to be seen this big.”

But, why is that a problem? I know the others are ambulatory and all but we get around too.

Agatha tried not to cry, the pain that welled up in her chest was impossible to hide from Red though. Although from his face he clearly still didn’t understand, she felt the gentle flood of physical comfort and tension in her skin that he had used to simulate a hug before. A long few moments passed in silence before she spoke.

“Maybe it’s no one, I guess. Maybe I’m still just getting over being tricked by Yaela.”

She could actually feel Red growl internally at the mention of the AI who had gotten her into all this. Agatha calmed herself further, as best she could.

“I’ll be okay, it’s not like I was going to be able to avoid this. I just wasn’t ready, and have a bad history of things I’m not ready for lately. No private shows though, not yet at any rate. Do I even want to know what they wanted us to do?”

Well I think the big ticket one wanted us to sit on him mostly.

The pair of them were moving again, away from the junk trader andoff toward the side of the promenade that accessed the hangars. She was still attracting attention, cameras and stares mostly, and she still felt her belly drop out from under her at the sight of her ass on an enormous screen above them, but at least nobody was climbing on her right this second.

“…He’s willing to pay us for that? How much is he-“

Ah! Here we are.

They’d floated to a halt in front of a large, darkened docking bay. Flat flooring mostly unpainted, but the back half was dominated by large setups of lights, curtains, rings on cables, costume booths, it was quite a neatly converted mini-theater. The other half was seating, primarily. Red guided their hovering mass over to the center area, then floated directly upward about six feet, and leaned forward.

Agatha tried to ignore the very strange sensation of being at that angle, of feeling her belly dangle like a sack of flesh off her front, but it was largely impossible for someone so impossibly large. Still, it was a damn good view.

There was only a little preparation left for them to do it seemed, then the lights began to dim, the players began to emerge onto the ‘stage’ as it were.

I’ve been wanting to see something live for my whole life.

Agatha chuckled quietly at that, then settled in to watch. The music was strangely simple, acoustic string instruments using the chamber’s natural tendency to amplify sounds – the same with what she figured were woodwinds, and then out stepped the fox in green with the bow and arrow over his shoulder.

The mouse immediately grinned a little. Of course that’s what he picked. Granted, she doubted the story usually involved low gravity acrobatics from the heavyset Little John or light bending handsets being put to use by the even rounder Friar, but it didn’t matter.

She felt a brief tinge of worry as something in her gut twisted. Really? It was getting saucy just because it had gone a whole forty five minutes (if that) without food? But Red didn’t seem worried, rather, she was pretty sure she saw a tiny spec of light on her shoulder, and then she felt a weight there instead. It wasn’t an immense weight, just a noticeable one settled into the shape of two small orbs.

Two orbs painted in waves of orange.

Agatha had no idea how the bunny had gotten on top of her, but before she could think to ask the rabbit leaned over, spread out on the mouse’s shoulder and tit like they were a couch and she wasn’t a French girl. She leaned, and she shoved a handful of something crispy, sweet, and stuffed with jam into Agatha’s face. Two birds, one stone.

The rest of the performance went on uninterrupted. The chase through the darkness, Robin’s leaping versus the Sheriff’s gravity chains. The diffused but solid light forming during him and Marion’s moment in the tower, leaving pathways of afterimages that slowly faded as the music built. When the lights finally began to rise once more Agatha found herself sincerely regretting that she was physically unable to clap.

She’d have voiced that concern if the rabbit didn’t roll over, seize her wobbling jowls like handles, and plant a messy kiss on Agatha. A fond pat to her still quivering cheek followed it.

“Heh, thanks again luv. Call me any time you two!”

..And she rolled right off to the floor. Red, meanwhile, let out a wistful sigh into her ears. One she was inclined to mimic. Neither spoke right away – but there did come a voice from someone nearby, someone she recognized as the troupe leader, who had played the Sheriff.

“You know, we’re not quite that traditional a circus, but I almost could see us having room for a fat lady if it’s you. Got any interest in performing? Free food, place to stay, wouldn’t be too-“

Agatha’s grumpy stare did half the job of answering him. Red’s aggravated ‘really?’ look did most of the rest.

“We’ve got slightly wider ambitions than just languishing in a tent day in and day out.”

The man stared at the faceon her belly, wreathed in and made of light, but eventually simply turned to walk away. Muttering something about them having wide everything and needing a tent to cover her ass anyway.

“Ugh. That was not a good way to wrap that up – though the show was really something. They performing again, or..?”

“Yeah, though I kind of want to leak the photos I just found of him instead. I’m torn on that. Anyway, this job business that keeps coming up. You know, from the emails about the shows, and private requests, and-“

Agatha tilted her head a little down at her son’s visage as it rose back up to her left tit this time, eyes wide and inquisitive.

“You think you can find us something, even like this? I mean, we can’t rely on those other things forever.”

“Actually we can, I did the math. If we let people participate in one major indulgence with us once a week we’d be self-sustaining. If we agreed to sit on people we’d be making a profit, but there’s an important flaw in all that.”

Agatha tilted her head a little further, curious beyond words now.

“It’ll get boring. I mean I’ve done this for one afternoon so far and it’s kinda predictable already. So what do you say about getting cargo, and going off to see new places maybe? Meet new people, new civilizations, eat everything they have and listen to all their stories?

Agatha let out a proper chuckle this time.

“I’m game if you are.”



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