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Been planning and drawing this month's sequence for a little bit now, it MIGHT run over into November, we might make a MEGA SEQUENCE?! Lemme know what you think? Already got like 2k words written up for it


Bel belongs to Paris 

Loretta belongs to Firefox 

Katie belongs to Kagira 

Vic belongs to VictorTheMaker 

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It was a dark and stormy night - lightning cracked the sky above Mount Skulltop. The pitter patter of rain had turned into a heavy maelstrom that broke the mountainside apart with surging rivers and dangerous mudslides. But the greater peril was hidden deep inside the mountain... where could be found sliding across the tiled floor of its dungeons, the creatures that gave Mount Skulltop its name. The deadly... SKULL SLIMES! A group of them are sliding towards you right now, torchlight glistening across their aqueous form -

“Katie, what’s your move?!”

Across the table a chubby mouse girl was sweating, nervously looking at the game board. Her character was being approached on all sides by nefarious slimes! She swallowed an anxious squeak and got into the head of her character.

“I... I charge the nearest slime! Nobody can withstand the axe of Tokaka the barbarian!”

Tokaka charges forward, fueled by a rush of good rolls her axe splits the nearest slime in two and a heavy boot smashes the pieces into dust before they can reform. The confident, if short, mouse barbarian gives an amused chortle before a squelching reaches their ears - a massive mound of slimes oozing from around the nearest corner, already right on top of her!

“Bel! What’s your move?”

If Katie was chubby, Bel was outright fat, probably the fattest person at the table. Not at all helped by her rather short stature - as a gecko Bel’s height capped out pretty short, meaning all the food she ate had little space to spread out on. Looking at her phone on the sly would have been something most people could get away with under the table but since her ample stomach wedged her firmly between chair and table she had little room for stealth.

“Uh, what’s happening again?” After the situation was explained once more, Bel began calculating the best course of action. “Well of course, Bellamy the Wise is going to cast her protective shield over Tokaka, nothing will get through that!”

The slimes crashed against the protective shield, spreading across it in a dome of glistening black ooze that devoured the mouse, save for her protective bubble.

“I’m still in there!” Katie yelled, watching the slime tokens placed around her character.

“Vic, what’s your move?”

Positively slender compared to Bel, the cow-kitsune hybrid sitting beside Katie had been watching the board the entire time, waiting for their moment to come. Their tails swayed with excitement behind them as they traced a line down their character sheet’s spell list.

“Soltinn has been waiting for this,” Vic replied with a grin, “Yes, the shield will make the perfect cover! Soltinn raises his twisted staff of Fire and Ice and blasts the cluster with a fireball!”

An explosion rocks the dungeon chamber causing the party’s legs to tremble! In a blinding flash of light the group of slimes that had spread across Tokaka the barbarian’s shield are evaporated! Destroyed in a maelstrom of fire and scorching heat! Of course, if it weren’t for Bellamy’s shield Tokaka would have been evaporated alongside her enemies but as it is, she stands triumphant through the smoke!

A series of cheers erupted from the table at a plan well executed and a group of dangerous enemies dispatched. One party member remained standing back from the fray, uncalled upon in combat, but without her buffs the party couldn’t have dreamed of putting into motion such a powerful blast.

“Loretta, your move?”

If Bel was merely fat, Loretta was massive. Clearly the largest girl at the table, she needed two chairs just to sit down. The raven was a testament to gluttony, her body oozing fat in every direction. Even her arms were fat! Thicker than any body builder’s the DM had ever seen, they were certainly proper wings for a bird. But like everyone else at the table, Loretta was a dear friend and kindred spirit.

“Well, I... I mean, Lo’Renz the Bard moves in to heal the wounded! The slime splash has to sting!”

Lo’Renz the Bard was no stranger to helping after the fight, he rushes into the clearing smoke and slime remnants, the tall feminine border collie using healing melodies to help patch any wounds that caustic slime might have made. The other party members give their thanks as they collected both  themselves and any wayward loot. The dungeon has been a long and gruelling endeavour, and everyone is low on spell slots and focus points.

With the room cleared, the party around the table looked up to their GM, a chubby donkey partially concealed behind her GM’s board.

“Well Jenny, what now?”

Giving her trademark, slightly dorky grin, Jenny adjusted her too tight shirt and stretched. “Now? We eat!”

Like most in-person tabletop campaigns the game table was never really empty of snacks. But it was the sheer amount of snacks that had taken Jenny by surprise. It was only session three and every game night Loretta waddled in through the doors with her mom close behind, each of their arms weighed down with heavy bags full of food. She and her mom would visit some take out place or another and order what felt like every item on the menu. Jenny was sure it wasn’t but when it all piled up on the game table there was barely enough room to play. An issue with only one obvious solution - the party’s adventures on Mount Skulltop would have to be delayed until they tackled Mount Takeout, and tonight’s enemy? Burgers.
