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Separate from the $50 Tier’s Cameo slots which extend formultiple parts and are guaranteed, I’ve decided to open up Maple’s Story Cameo slots, for when I need one-off background or supporting characters whoseposition in the plot is less front and centre. These slots are open for anyPatreon supporting for $2.5 or higher, who is an ongoing supporter and who haspaid at least one month’s support.

There is no additional charge to be part of the cameo, it’ssomething just something I’d like to offer if people are interested. Here’s howit works:

  • I’m going to describe the scene briefly, with as fewspoilers as possible. I will also list a few limitations on the spot.

  • If this setting seems like it could fit your fursona, or one if your characters, I’d like you to comment below with a link to yourcharacter, or if preferred send me a private IM or note via FA.

  • I will pick the most suitable candidate from the listprovided, or if none are provided or none are suitable for the role I will makealternate arrangements. I suspect however that most characters submitted willbe suitable, so honestly, no worries!

  • By submitting a comment, and link to a reference to yourcharacter, you authorise me to use them in the above manner. If this becomesproblematic later on, let me know and I can see about making the requisiteedits.

  • A cameo slot does NOT entail you to a picture, but means that your character WILL appear in the story. Pictures will be decided on a case-by-case basis.


The streets of the Inner Worlds are paved withhigh-strength, durable, polished glass. Everything shines, everything gleams.At least where anyone who is anyone lives. Skyscrapers line the horizon withfantastic buildings of every shape, curving, twisting, connected by walkways and highspeed mag-lines. Everyone is wealthy, everyone is fit, and everythingis fine. On the surface.

Your character lives here and like anyone else they know thatthe world they see is an illusion. That wealth is built on suffering and crimeruns just as rampant here as it does anywhere else. Except in place ofgunships, the Inner Worlds fight with lawyers. Your character has learned toexploit the system. They lay low as much as they can, but when an opportunitypresents itself for some cash to be made they take it, making connections and building up a web ofinformation that will one day lead to financial security and a mansion far awayfrom all this.

In the story, the character may be:

Male or Female

Anthro or Taur

Slender -> chubby, but not over 150lb.

Do you have a character you’d like to volunteer to takeplace in this story? Do you think they would do well with the abovedescription?

Please comment below, if you’d like to submit a character



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