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Installment 2 in Fibre Optic Bundles of Joy! Story written by Rabid Badger of FA, image by me http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rabidbadger/

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It was the dull hum of fluorescent lights that Agatha woke up to, the oppressive gleam of light that seemed to resent being interrupted in its path. As soon as she winced and grunted the glare abated a bit, as if it had sensed her discomfort and responded. Which is precisely what had happened. As the mouse grunted again, blinking her eyes open grudgingly in the softer lighting, something shiny floated in front of her view.

It was when she tried to raise her arm to rub her eyes that she started to remember. Her arm failing to so much as twitch, but a gentle (if unyielding) touch with a sponge wiping at her eyes afterward in spite of that drew her back to the reality of her situation quite quickly.

“Good morning sleepy girl! You have been out for one point five standard days. During that time I took the liberty of preparing you for the rest of your stay. Your feedback suggests you are physically comfortable, but hungry, and distraught.”

The mouse girl took a shaky breath as she felt one of the medwaldo’s metal arms telescope outward and curl behind her back, leaning her limp form forward a few degrees.

“Chrome, I thought it was a dream at first, that I was back in the pods and-“

The thought was interrupted physically by the presence of a thick, rubber nipple in her mouth on the end of the medwaldo’s other arm. She really was hungry, though it had taken being told before she realized. Whether that meant she genuinely was, or became so when told, she wasn’t sure. The only thing that was certain to her in the entire world right that moment was how much she physically needed the cream she was suckling right at that moment. It was the sublime relief of laying down after a long day woven into the bliss of a hollow space inside being filled. She wasn’t sure if it was the kind of ‘filling’ you got at the dinner table or in bed, could be both.

“Just what baby needed.”

Agatha felt tension melt off her like ice off a hull on re-entry. Swallowing, breathing, each in a steady rhythm. Eyes half-lidded and a trifle vacant. Yaela maneuvered her screen around toward the mouse’s face, her own digital visage wearing a warm smile.

“This will help with the next phase of your preparations. Your nanite colonies have completed phase one of dispersion and population, but their infrastructure cannot be installed properly without materials to use. This solution is primarily a heavy cream, saturated with fibers and vitamins. Do remain relaxed, they should begin work on phase one shortly.”

Agatha’s eyes opened slowly, fighting through a lethargy to do it. There were questions writ clear on them that she couldn’t voice, but apparently Yaela felt them clearly enough through the pilot link.

“Just wait dear. It will be fine.”

She didn’t have to wait long, mind. Agatha at some point noted she didn’t feel full, and yet she’d been nearly chugging for what felt like a good minute or two. A soft whirring sound behind her swiftly led to feeling her bed meet her back, leaving Yaela’s other arm free to pull back the covers.

“I am sure you understand, we wish to document every aspect of your paired growth, my child.”

Agatha’s eyes met Yaela’s, as much as you could call the view screen on the medwaldo a face with eyes, but that distraction only lasted until she began to feel what the AI had been mentioning begin in earnest. There was a gurgling at first, the sort of thing you’d associate with indigestion under normal circumstances, but it persisted beyond the usual half second or so one expects of such things. She started counting in fact, but that fell by the wayside when other, more important matters showed themselves.

She was growing. Fast enough to see it happen in real time. The whole thing was reminiscent of watching a balloon being filled to the eyes, but that was the last sense that she could properly understand this with. The rest of it, the sounds and sensations, defied reason entirely. She could hear faint squelching, wet sucking noises, from her sides and limbs. They felt swollen and cold, maybe a little sticky, as if she’d gotten engine grease or butter all over herself. It didn’t take long for the image of her being literally inflated with thick, buttery flab via the ‘bottle’s he was suckling at to come to her.

Agatha took a moment to confirm that she still couldn’t move her arms or legs, to be certain that this AI had thoroughly engineered a situation where all she could do was feed like she was told to, and true to Yaela’s word rather than feeling her arms move when told to she instead got to watch them thicken steadily. She’d been lean before, but now her forearms could best be described as squishy. Her legs were getting it worse still, with the mouse’s thighs inching closer to touching one another every breath and swallow. Finally, and thoroughly the aspect of her that seemed to be hungriest for all this, the mouse’s entire midsection was greedily seizing the opportunity to grow. Her once tight buttocks had filled out into bubbles stuffed with pudding, and her belly was spilling out into her lap more with every second.

Watching it seemed unreal, drawing her back to the earlier thoughts that she was dreaming all this, but she was mercilessly awake. Yaela kept that hose plugged into her face, and clearly didn’t have any intention of removing it until her body was ‘ready’ by whatever metric the intelligence was using. That turned out to amount to a good thirty minutes or so of non-stop drinking, wet squelching, stretching skin, and watching her flesh grow like self-rising bread loaves or a marshmallow in the microwave. The little mouse estimated there was at least-

The nipple tugged loose with a gentle pop.

“Good girl! You’ve assimilated one hundred and six percent of your original weight in new raw materials.”

Agatha wanted to speak, but as she opened her mouth to do so a force built up inside her throat. Pressure from her gut led to a belch that resounded in the cockpit/nursery so thunderously loud that it reminded her of the sound of ships taking off back on the colony. Enough to leave her feeling weak in the throat and jaw, shivering as she caught her breath afterward.

“Now the nanite colonies can begin preparations for providing an adequate hardware framework for our child!”

The view screen on the medwaldo displayed a very cheerful looking :3 face before floating off out of Agatha’s immediate field of vision. It left her naked, alone – technically. She could still feel the queer little tingling in her neck that the uplink provided. Alone was probably something she was going to have to accept some limitations on for- well, forever probably. Alone, with what had been done to her.

Double her weight. That meant she was in the ballpark of two hundred and twenty five pounds of slightly sweaty, bloated, fat-stuffed fur. It had at least left her with a decent upgrade in cup size, but that was a small consolation for her buttocks looking like melons. The gurgling sensation had abated in her stomach, and disconcertingly had moved elsewhere – threading itself into her limbs and the bulk of her torso. It certainly kept her attention, and alarmed her quite a bit when all her newfound blubber began to get quite hot.

“Ah, that.. Yaela, what’s going on – I’m getting really overheated here and-“

There was growing panic in the mouse’s voice, and the screen bearing assistant bot was not long in returning. It did so bearing a pair of syringes, and a small metallic disc.

“Calm yourself child. I assure you, your health is in no danger. We have taken great care in refining this process in preparation for a proper test.”

All this came immediately preceding the AI’s metal avatar unceremoniously plonking the small disc onto Agatha’s forehead and then injecting each of the two narrow syringes into opposing thighs without any warning or consolation.

“The Cloud anticipated you would require entertainment during this period, and we believe it will benefit the nascent singularity as well. The node on your forehead will allow you to see and manipulate a virtual view screen. I have been pre-loaded with a wide array of suitable entertainment for a young, compiling mind.”

Agatha whimpered at the injections, but at least they were brief. The node on her head though was just weird. It did indeed immediately cause her to see a ‘screen’ of light in front of her eyes, showing a library of what seemed to be old movies and television series – mostly anyway. Some were more contemporary, but the Dispix-Dynasty Catalogue dated back centuries and all of it seemed to be in there. That was a helluva start toward evading boredom, she had to admit. Though it did bear asking-

“..I’m just supposed to lie here and watch kiddie entertainment for three months?”

That notion alone was a little daunting, and it didn’t even get to be the thing she immediately had to worry about. Her thighs were starting to feel a bit queer after those injections.

“W-what.. what was in those things, Yaela what-“

The bot reached forward and touched the mouse’s lips with one thick, metallic finger. The other arm then almost gently (as much as something made of metal could be anyway) stroked her head.

“Calm yourself child. Your nanite colonies have, as said, prepared to install some of the hardware the singularity will require. I have delivered a chemical payload they will disseminate into your lipids that will allow them to function as decentralized data storage.”

The mouse wanted so badly to fidget, to squirm, and to scratch the rampant cascade of itches that were storming through her body like ants crawling through her veins. She also wanted to throttle the medwaldo in spite of knowing it wouldn’t really accomplish anything. Neither of these things were available to her as a means of easing her discomfort. In the end, it eased itself. The whole storm of sensation fell apart in an instant, leaving her alone with the gravity of being locked in her own bloated body again – but at least it wasn’t itching.

It was actually feeling rather cool now, like brushing her teeth – only inside, and everywhere. Agatha felt curiously light headed, and light everything-else’d, for a moment before the countless little machines in her body began their work in earnest. She felt the hissing more than heard it, but the results were visible just the same. She wasn’t growing heavier this time, but she was growing again. Last time she’d been half-aware of gaining a lot of weight in an accelerated version of the traditional method, this time she genuine looked like what happened to marshmallows in microwaves.

All her body was rapidly expanding in every direction. Loose, plush flesh wrapping her arms and making them look like a descending array of sausage links, her belly billowing outward like a sail filling with air until it crested and then collapsed in the middle, developing her first gut fold, tits ballooning out the way those porn holo stars with the inflatable implants could do, and she was having a hard time seeing below her own gut to view the damage below the waist. Agatha wasn’t really all that sure she needed to see it, the sensation of her body ‘flowing’ outward to take up more of that comically oversized bed was clear enough, like watching molasses flow downhill, only it was her ass doing so in all directions at once – and her thighs trying to flow into each other while her belly overlapped them more completely with every passing moment, a huge traffic jam of obese mouse flesh.

It ended as abruptly as it began. Her body felt ‘normal’ again – for certain values of normal. There weren’t tiny things inside her repurposing her body actively at that exact moment. She still felt like a marionette stuffed full of meringue though. She was no heavier than she’d been a few minutes ago, she was just twice as large – at least, barely able to see her toes over the horizon of her own gut.

Agatha wasn’t completely sure she could move even if she wasn’t being restrained. There was a strangled, terrified sound that started somewhere deep in places of her that weren’t really physical, but ended up in her throat just the same.

“What the heck are you doing to me you-“

There was a rubber bulb in her muzzle a moment later, the same one she’d taken this fresh, fleshy doom into herself with so shortly ago. Attempting to spit it out half worked, at first anyway, before that network of tiny hardware in her nervous system stole that away from her. Agatha could feel it clumsily seizing control of her movements, but it wasn’t like it had to dance ballet with her body now was it? All Yaela had to do was instruct her mouth to latch on and suckle, her throat to swallow, and her tongue to enjoy what seemed rather like creamed blueberries with a hint of butter. Trapped as she was, watching her body betray itself, the mouse failed to notice the second medwaldo moving over to her legs.

She noticed when it spread them though.

Peeling her thighs apart was like pulling uncooked breadsticks off each-other, and they never quite stopped actually touching up near where they met her newborn pubic mound. It was enough that the bot could get its arm in there though, which was apparently all that had to happen. She felt warmed metal spread her thighs, pushing past cellulite, bringing three fat, blunt fingers up to the hopelessly buried lips of her sex. Then the thing started reconfiguring itself. Agatha couldn’t see any of it, all she could do was eat, and maybe get in a bit of despair on the side, but she knew it felt like the thing had flattened itself out into a perfect mold against her body, snaking a few tendrils inside for grip, forming a thicker lump to cap over her gently twitching clit, and to her brief alarm sending a single ‘finger’ snaking further backward through her enormous ass, into the cavernous depths between her buttocks.

“I realize you have only just finished a rapid development cycle, but those are highly fuel intensive and we need to keep you fed, hydrated, and properly supplied with nutrients.”

The paste entering her muzzle, her greedy, autopiloting face, took on a slightly more salad-like flavor. Green, fresh, a little less sweet but no less rich.

“It will be some time before the next one is required by our estimates. Try to relax-“

Agatha’s breath shuddered, that thing that had wrapped itself around her snatch started to tingle and vibrate, those little tendrils inside her seeking and teasing as a thicker probe began snaking its way inward.

“-and settle in. Your diet has been carefully planned, as has your desired mental state over the next few weeks. Our singular child needs stimulation, information, as it grows into its new home, and also needs to form a bond with you.”

The illusory screen in front of her eyes flashed once, then brought up an enormous library of movies and series arranged by genre and title, ranked by entertainment value and suitability for the nascent intelligence’s development – or at least the Cloud’s best estimate thereof. Agatha couldn’t entirely stop herself from zeroing in on a familiar cover, an ancient classic with a fox and rabbit, and that was all it took for the screen to begin playing.

Though focusing on it was a trifle difficult with a buzzing, rotating nodule alternately pressing and sucking on her clitoris, and an inflating, warm, throbbing faux cock starting to rhythmically pump into her. To say nothing of the intrusion into her tailhole (Chrome, even her tail felt fat) which felt curiously nice but was also being suspiciously still compared to the rest of it all.

“Please, partake of the entertainment we have arranged. We will see to everything else. Nutrition, cleaning, waste management, while we run diagnostics and monitor the singularity’s growth. Your next infrastructure expansion should be in a few weeks.”

Next. This was going to happen again. That thought was barely able to keep a foothold in her head as she began to feel her walls clench tight around the machine’s infernal stimulation. Then came the final, indignant surprise. The squelching sound had nothing to do with her innards this time, it was coming from that final intruder in her enormous butt. Something was flowing up out of the machine’s arm, and into her – as if it just wasn’t satisfied with how quickly it could feed her through one orifice alone.

Then came the bright, hazy glow of climax – a little pink lightning storm that suffused all the distended inches of her body, dancing across her nerves and corroding the comfortable shell of resentment and fear she had been building up. Her hips clenched hard against the medwaldo’s arm, bucking into its grip (which was either wholly unconscious, or a good bit of predicted need on Yaela’s part) while she watched the rabbit put on her play.

“Goodness. That was exhilarating! I finally have some context for what Syn was talking about. We will have to keep doing that as often as your body allows for it I think.”

As the fire coursing through her died down, Agatha felt more exhausted than she remembered feeling in - well - ever, really. She was still being stuffed from two ends at once, relentlessly at that, and thoroughly unable to do anything about it. So it was that quietly, privately, the mouse let out a single breath – and let all her fear driven resistance go with it.

Besides. The gazelle was pretty clear about giving everything a try. Maybe she had a point?



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