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Uh-oh it looks like Maple's mischievous Pilot-Link AI has dragged Maple off into another misadventure, signing her up for some sort of strange tests in an unmarked facility off the grid. Whatever these scientists have in store for Maple you can be sure Syn will approve of this chance to experience new whole new and wonderful sensations, but will Maple be so easily won over, I wonder? 

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Hey all, I know Patreon's been a bit slow, this has been because I've been moving to a new place (if you wanna read about it, here's more:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/being-evicted-3-29246950 ) it's a bit of a family affair and there's a lot to move so I've been pretty exhausted. The good news is I think we're nearly done though, so that'll be nice, and the new house is absolutely gorgeous!!!

Anyway, I wanted to do a little something for y'all cause you've all been very patient with me, so I figured I'd make a little thing based on the results of a poll! I might choose multiple results, so highest/next highest could be illustrated etc.

POLL HERE:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/29933571 



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