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So as mentioned last month, I was given my 60 days notice to vacate the premises around the first few weeks of August. The next two week and a half weeks were a mad scramble to try and get a house to rent big enough for all of the current occupants, in a hostile rental market. The good news is, we managed it! 

Most of my packing is already done, but I’ll be assisting with the packing and moving of my roomies as well, we expect this’ll be more or less completed in about 2-3 weeks, though I should have time to continue drawing and producing for Patreon in-between, if all goes well! 

I wanted to thank you for your patience last month <3

We have some good work upcoming, I hope you’re excited! 



Don't let anyone throw out their backs! Hope the moving goes well!


Happy to hear things are going ok


Thank you so much! I'm really relieved we were able to find a place in town ;u;