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Part 2 is ready and fresh off the presses! 

I hope you all enjoy <3

Written and Illustrated by myself

Edited by the marvelous Firefox 

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Day 9

Katie stepped hesitantly on her bathroom scale, the vixen flinching at the way its plastic creaked and groaned beneath her. An antiquated dial spun with the sudden weight, before wavering to a stop on an unsettling number.

A week and a half. All it took to gain 50lbs was a week and a half.

Granted, she thought as a sheepish blush crept across her crumb streaked muzzle, it wasn’t exactly a week and a half of doing nothing

One hand held the culprit for this unexpected, and unintended spike in weight, glazing pressed between her fingers. The other grabbed gently at one of her love handles, feeling the extra heft it had now, that it did not have a week before. She had been binging fairly solidly on her prize. A year’s worth of free donuts. Surely there wasn’t anyone who could pass that kind of thing up. Even if she had been trying to go on a diet, she felt that she had to celebrate at least a little bit. It’s not every day a prize that big is won, after all. So she spent the first few days letting herself go a little out of control. Binging.

Sifton had delivered a few boxes to her front door, which meant she could eat some alongside breakfast. She packed some to eat for lunch. And she ate the delicious, jam filled treats after dinner, too. On every occasion, she ate more than she ought to. Once she found herself biting down on the soft, doughy treats she... just couldn’t stop. They were perfect. Cool, warm, gently allowed to be reheated. They melted in her mouth with milk after breakfast. They were ideal for snacking on at the office between calls. They were delightful for a post dinner, sinful little binge in front of the TV. The latter, she was most guilty of, she realised as her long ears drooped down with her shame.

This month she had started her diet and already, one cheap store promotion had completely obliterated her plans. Not only had she failed to lose weight, she had actually gained it! And not an insignificant amount.

With her keen ears, she was starting to hear whispers and giggles at the office whenever she walked by and she could be sure the furtive glances and smirks she was receiving were about her as well, since she was keenly aware that her office uniform was stretching around her burgeoning stomach and that was after she had gone out to buy slightly bigger work blouses. Now, whenever she put on her work clothes, she could feel the buttons straining around her fluffy stomach and she was utterly mortified. Humiliated.

Something had to change.

The vixen stepped gingerly off of her scale, polishing off the donut in her hand reflexively, realising it only as she sucked the glazing from her fingers. One more treat down, more calories added to her gut. She looked in the mirror, wiping crumbs, glazing and jam from her now chubby cheeks. The girl she had been a few years ago was gone, buried beneath pounds of blubber. Her eyes traced her new curves - bigger breasts were one thing but her gut was clearly folding over her thighs now, and her ass cheeks were ballooning out behind her. Her work skirt barely fit anymore and she knew if she got any bigger she’d have to buy yet another whole new wardrobe. Even her workout clothes were tearing, and at home she’d been forced to wear sweatpants just to keep herself covered. This wasn’t what she wanted, surely it wasn’t what anybody wanted. 

She tilted her chin up, meeting her own eyes in the mirror of her bathroom. This was it. Tomorrow she’d throw out the rest of the donuts that had been delivered, she would call Sifton and tell them to stop the deliveries. She would start up her diet and exercise routine again. Donuts wouldn’t beat her, no matter how delicious they were.

But for now, for tonight, she would have one last little binge. 

The vixen, confident in her newly laid plans, strode out into her living room where full and empty donut boxes alike were starting to crowd the sofa. She grabbed a few of the heavier looking boxes from the top of a pile delivered that afternoon and carried them gingerly over to the sofa, where she planted herself, switched on the TV and started to eat. Katie quickly fell into a routine, one that she had developed more or less since she had won the competition. Turning on her new favourite drama or comedy and absent-mindedly reaching into her stash for donut after donut. Given that she grazed upon the glazed confections during the day, it was these night-time binges that were really the main event for her stomach capacity as the combination of distraction and pleasure meant she was pushing the donuts in even though she wasn’t actually hungry. Far from it, in fact.

The beauty of steam on demand content meant she could binge watch her shows and with no shortage of donuts in her vicinity, she always had her mouth full. Crunching. Slurping, Chewing. Occasionally, absent-mindedly licking her fingers before reaching for the next one. Unaware of the way her sweat pants stretched around her thickening waist, her stomach bulging with the sheer amount that was being stuffed into it. The threads of her workout top began to tear as the vixen’s breath became shorter, gut pressed into her lungs. A dizziness helped the feasting last until-

“Oh... ten o’clock.” Katie blinked. 

The time she had spent watching movies had positively flown by. Moving to get up, she groaned, only now realising the full scope of what she had done to herself. Her stomach pressed outwards, looking practically overdue and stuffed with nothing but donuts. Another groan and she managed to actually lift herself off the couch, supporting her gut with a hand lest it jostle too much and distress its caloric load. 

“Gods... I’ll... I’ll be fine as long as I start jogging in the morning...” she mumbled to herself, trying not to think of the extra weight she had inflicted upon herself.



Athan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:47:03 Loving it so far; can't wait for more &lt;3
2019-06-28 03:38:48 Loving it so far; can't wait for more <3

Loving it so far; can't wait for more <3

Smallergod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:47:03 Eee thank you! &lt;3
2019-06-28 03:45:10 Eee thank you! <3

Eee thank you! <3


Fantastic stuff so far! I can't wait to see more donut stuffed belly from this series!

Smallergod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:47:03 Oooo thank you! More stuffing to come! &lt;3
2019-06-30 12:03:16 Oooo thank you! More stuffing to come! <3

Oooo thank you! More stuffing to come! <3