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Hey y'all! A new five part series coming up at the end of this month, it's all been drawn out and will be released over the next few days!

I hope you all enjoy <3

Written and Illustrated by myself

Edited by the marvelous Firefox 

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Day 1


The sign was hung prominently in front of Katie’s favourite bakery, alongside a picture showcasing a donut so delicious looking it could not possibly exist in any reality outside of photoshop. It taunted her, as the short fennec fox stumbled, huffing and panting to a stop. She had paused her daily morning jog to examine it, saliva already pooling in her mouth. Momentum carried her another few clumsy steps, a reminder of why she was out jogging in the first place in the weight that she had accumulated on her wobbling, jiggling gut. Still, that sign taunted her.

Why this month of all months, for her favourite bakery to release a new version of her favourite snack? Arguably the snack that had started all her problems. The snack that had set her down the path to the dreaded ‘D’ word.


Wearing a sweat streaked set of jogging clothes, it wasn’t exactly that Katie could be called obese, though she had certainly cruised past chubby at some point while she wasn’t looking. Her rust-colored pelt shined with sweat, which trickled from her brows to the white fur beneath her snout and down her developing double chin. 

Her stomach rumbled as she tormented herself by continuing to stare, no longer at the sign but the rows upon rows of delicious treats on prominent display in the bakery window. Each one was absolutely mouth watering, and her love for them was indicated by the prominent love handles she had been working so hard to get rid of. 

Ever since she got her new job at the call center, Katie’s love of treats and distaste for exercise had seen her ballooning with fat like nothing she had experienced in her youth. It seemed that once she had reached her late 20s, her metabolism had just up and decided to quit on her. A fox who had been slender and svelte, a vision of beauty by most standards, had swelled into a dumpling of a woman with a heavy pot belly that quivered in front of her, dripping with sweat from her jog. She blushed as she considered it, her gut plainly visible in her tight work-out clothing, heaving in and out as she panted, before glancing once more at the delicious looking glazed treats taunting her from the window. 

One cheat day couldn’t hurt.


Meanwhile, watching the launch of their new product from a series of CCTV monitors, a smartly dressed wolf let his gaze roam across the people lured into his stores by the promise of a new and exciting product. He had golden cufflinks to match his golden eyes, and a stark blue tie broke the white of his shirt in two, beneath his jacket.

“Phase one looks like a success sir,” a chubby mouse girl chirped from beside him, holding a clipboard to her chest. “Have you selected a subject for phase two?” 

A grin came to the wolf’s lips as one of the monitors caught his attention. A fox girl, obviously struggling between the decision to continue her daily exercise routine and going into his store for some donuts. He watched as she looked between herself and the display donuts for a few seconds before finally giving in to the temptation and waddling into the store. A grey furred finger raised up to the monitor, “This one.” 



Between the banner falling, multiple horns and the cheers of the bakery staff, Katie half jumped out of her skin. It took several seconds of frantic looking around to compose herself and realise what was going on. First she had gotten up the nerve to walk into the store, pressing her sweaty, chubby palms against its door and then, a few steps in, she had been barraged with noises and cheers. A banner had fallen from the ceiling among a rain of confetti, which she took a few moments to scan. It read: ‘CONGRATULATIONS! 100,000th customer – FREE YEAR SUPPLY OF DONUTS!’ with the logo of the bakery’s founding corporation, Sifton Inc, in smaller letters below. During her stunned stupor, the bakery’s staff had crowded around her, each of them holding trays of goods and wearing smiles. 

She managed to mumble the words, “Free donuts for a year?” her mind racing between elation and dread. Why, she asked herself.  How could this happen? 

All she wanted was a single donut for her cheat day, and now she was being told that she could have as many as she could eat. As many as she could eat for a whole year! Her mind was still dazed as she had some terms and conditions read out to her, there was a cap on donuts of course, but if her still twitching ears were reliable it was somewhere in the hundreds of thousands. Certainly more than she could possibly eat on her own. 

Her shaking fingers gently clasped around one of the donuts offered on the many trays around her, she couldn’t help herself. The aroma of the freshly baked goods was intoxicating, it was everything she loved. A blanket of warmth she could pull around herself. She brought the doughy confection to her slightly drooling lips before she opened wide and bit down. 




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