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Day 4 - Broken Relations

Shobu realised what happened. Totally stunned by what they all saw, Shobu runs away utterly broken.


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It's all Nasu's fault! I think she got off too easy. Nice work so far!

Sam Mann

You ruined everyone's life and now you're an ugly, stupid boy. He needs to run home to and never leave.


Poor baby. I hope something happens to fix all this.

Sam Mann

Hard to have heart when the series goes out of it's way to keep you uninterested

Rose Graham

Then I suggest ignoring the weekends and focusing on everything during the weekdays. This series ain't your cup of tea, but that doesn't mean it doesn't interest others. There are other ongoing stories being told and soon to be many more. I think checking Patreon during the weekdays would be better for you. Monday and Wednesday - Private School of Inner Beauty Tuesday and Thursday - Roll the Dice Friday - 2 pages of One Piece Bimbo Fruit


Gaaaaah this is getting too much emotionally.


I apologise that this story doesn't interest you Sam. Hopefully the other series are more to your liking

Sam Mann

First, I'm sorry. I had a bad morning and commented without thinking. Next, I love everything else you've made so far, all the weekday comics are brilliant and I love reading them. This one's just too overdramatic for me, it's like watching a soap opera.

Rose Graham

It's fine and I kinda think of each comic having its own genres and quirks that suits some people more than others. This is more drama based, Private School of Inner Beauty is more comedy focused, Roll the Dice is adventurous and One Piece is more erotic compared to the rest. I like them all for different reasons, but I guess I resonate with Sisterly Brother to some extent for understanding the protagonist's struggle with gender dysphoria, I understand her to a degree, but I guess this story specifically goes deeper into what I kinda relate to? However, I cannot imagine I'll be traumatised and go through that amount of drama irl lol

John Scott

Emotional damage


Not a problem! Each to their own and we've all had our bad days so nothing personal has been taken ^^ Glad you enjoy the others!