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Quick update!  Birthday weekend was awesome!  Surprise trip from the GF :)

It was really good getting the first wave sent out for bug testing to a select group.  They smashed hard over the weekend while I was out and gave really good notes.

Apparently, there was an issue with the questing order that would not allow Stephan to show up with the armor for everyone else.  Really strange as when I played through on my PC, everything was working as is.

But we were able to solve it.  Second wave bug fix build has been recompiled and sent back out for more play testing.

I fixed a lot of bugs that were reported but still have to go through everyone elses lists.  Bugs being "typos, ect".

They've been playing the game from the beginning and catching a lot of the old existing bugs, I think the dreaded "Bhob fix the doors" crash has finally been fixed!  That's been plaguing the game for pretty much it's entire existence.  Was never able to find the actual cause until now.  

New change/feature added to the game:

  • You will definitely need to start a brand new game.  Too many changes were made to the primary questing log that loading an old save will make a lot of bad things happen stability wise.
  • Persistent data will need to be deleted from playing old versions.  It'll cause weird issues.
  • To help with this, I added a feature when starting a new game that'll ask the player if they want to clear their persistent data.  You'll want to click "YES".  That should wipe everything to ensure you're starting fresh.

What's left before I can release the game?

  • I want to confirm that the bug testers are able to play to the end of content.
  • Finish making the fixes from their notes.

Side note: Some of the bugs are aesthetic issues that might take a little bit of time.  Issue like "Lyla's piercings showing up on her naked body before she actually gets pierced".  Or the weird ghosting around environment buttons.

I might just release the game so I can spend a little bit more time to fix these pre-existing issues and put out a hotfix release after wards.  Since there's always hotfix releases after the initial release of a new update lol.  That way I'm not pushing the game out even further.



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