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Whoot!  Finally finished the first stability pass and first round of bug fixes.  This means I can finally move onto exporting the build and preparing to send out to a group of bug testers :)  Then move onto releasing V0.1.50.

I've been working on playtesting all week after work @.@  It's my birthday this weekend and my gf is taking me out of town for the weekend so I wanted to get as much of this done during the week as I'll be indisposed the entire weekend. >:)

It's already almost 1am now lol so I most likely won't be able to get the build prepped, uploaded and sent out for testing tonight and am leaving tomorrow.  I'll try to get it out for play testing before I leave so I may be sending it out early next week.  

Fingers crossed the playtesting team doesn't find anything major.  I poked as many holes as I can.

Another note - What to expect in this update:

What to expect from this update so it doesn't surprise anyone.  This update is focused primarily on just advancing the story.  So there's no real "hardcore scenes" in this update.  It's purely story with some spicy event's Lyla has to face.  

I fixed a lot of bugs in the older content, made some minor scene improvements on most of the older scenes.

Saves are not compatible at all.

You'll need to start a fresh game!  My bad!  I rearranged/renamed a lot of quest items which completely break the persistent data lol.  Moving forward will be a lot better




Congratulations for your birthday and getting this update so far already!


Happy Birthday (with a little delay)