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Hey everyone!  It's been a little while.  I just wanted to drop a line and update you on what's been going on.  I've been pretty focused on the content for the next update.  So much so that I haven't been doing any fun side drawings of Lyla in random "occurances".  Right now all of my energy if focused on the primary content.

I've finished creating a detailed outline of the entire main story from beginning to end.  As far as the main story arcs are concerned, everything is now set.  The writing for update V0.1.4 is about 95% complete.  The last 5% is stuff I like to keep flexible and adjust while I'm in the coding phase, like dialogue tweaks and expression and animation tweaks to fit the scene better.  (One of the advantages of doing every part I guess)

I've only done minimal coding at the moment but I don't usually start coding until after I've finished all of the art assets.  The coding phase doesn't take nearly as long.

I'm going to make another patron only post after this showing the art tasks I have setup and explaining those into more detail but the list of art assets is pretty robust and I'm still working through it at the moment.  I get a little scope creep every once in awhile while doing the art and find I want to make more sprites or new art additions so the final art package compared to the list will be larger. Example is the animated gif on this post, that is only one line item on the list but will be 14 new images for that task @.@

Glad I chose a simplified artstyle for this project haha.

Anyways, thank you very much for you patience and support.  I know I'm not nearly as fast as the other teams but I think you'll really like the product I deliver on this update.



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