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I'm still head down working on the next update, it's taking me a little bit of time though. I'm trying to make up for how lame the last update was. I agree with everyone it didn't add a lot of content. This next update (I don't have a date set for it yet) is going to be very large and it's going to have a lot of new features so it's taking me a bit of time to figure out how to code the new features into it. I'm at the point in the story where it deviates from a direct narrative linear story to where it expands into a more open one. The arcs I plan to introduce though are all going to be heavy narrative driven arcs but I want to allow the player freedom to progress which ever arc they please or all of them at the same time.

I've been really focused on nailing the writing down and keep it up to par with the prologue.

Thanks for being patient and watching the progress, I know it's slow but I'm doing my best :)


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