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Diligently coding with my keyboard made of paper and my monitor made out of cardboard, Lyla sort of lives :D

I'm very excited about the progress that I've made.  I've focused completely on the programming side of things.  I've made very good progress this weekend and last weekend setting up the foundation and overhead for the engine.  I'm not done but Lyla is sort of working in the code now :)

I didn't realize how long it would take to tag every single sprite, I also did not realize how many sprite assets I've made just for Lyla alone.  I'm not the fastest in the coding department and honestly I've never actually coded with Python before but I've done a lot of work with Visual Basic and Javascript.  Python is actually a pretty quick study, I really enjoy working in it.

One of the things I was hoping to finish this weekend but couldn't because of life getting in the way was Lyla's eye movements.  I started working on the individual sprites for her eyes to allow her to look in different directions or at the player (or someone talking off screen).  I'm hoping to finish that tomorrow and get it coded properly.  It sounds crazier then it really is, basically it's Lyla looking up and down when talking to someone or at the player (or at the camera) and maybe and up down from there.  I've tagged the sprite models for the other characters in the code as well and they're popping in and out as they should.  

I need to finish creating the inventory screen and hammer down the logic for tracking her stats and other character stats.  What I currently have put together is simple and should work well; not overly complicated.  Lyla's various emotions are working well as well as some basic animations with putting her robe on as well as taking it off.  The logic I created for changing her costumes is working well so far, I'm actually using the same tracking logic for her outfit as I am for changing her emotions or facial expressions.  So instead of having to call her "Lyla Smile" picture then call her "Lyla Sad" picture, I merely changing Lyla's mood with a value and having the logic sort out how to compile her sprite.  It'll help me in the long run with typing out the script, the more I can automate things the better :D



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