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Your father has returned from the store with a May Update!

Hello, my estranged children, your father otakuversus™ has returned after being missing in action for about 3 months, but fear not because we have our cigarettes and actual work to show!

A Maid Café from a Dystopic World…

So, we’ve been working on this new show for quite some time, full disclosure gang its been really tough to get the art direction right. We love all things Dystopic and Cyberpunk, so trying to nail that post 90’s Akira era vibe has been a challenge for us. Because we want to do it justtt right. We’ve pulled a lot of inspiration from the aforementioned Akira but also the original run of Evangelion. It’s in its final stages of composition right now and the plan was to have it for May but we’re not going to rush it, June seems to be the right time!

Otachan isn’t dead Right…Right?

Well yes and no, she’s technically not dead and we are working on the full season as we speak! But when we will see her back up to being fighting fit once more, only time will tell. As of now episode three is in the back end of production, with backgrounds being painted! And all hands-on deck to get this episode over the finish line!

Merch, Eroge and Everything in-between

So, all you guys that ordered the last merch drop (thank you for the support) but also your merchandise is now shipping out! The Eroge however is still in development! You will receive your disc but the QR download code will lead to the latest build of the Game! We will announce when its fully ready and then you guys can download to your hearts content! In terms of you Fanservice Tier members, we have been stockpiling quite a few lewds! That we hope to share with you over the coming months! So keep those eyes peeled!

Show Don’t Tell

This is usually what we are good at, we disappear for long stints, but its usually because we got something cooking and once again we are getting the pots and the pans ready, the sauce is thickening up and we’re going to cook. What are we cooking? We will show you as the pieces all fall together, but in the meantime it’s our aim to keep this patreon posts as frequent as possible. We’re hoping our little scheme is what is going to push us into our next phase as a studio / production house. But as the title implies, we would rather show you guys than talk about doing it hehe.



The saying goes "good things take time." We know you're trying to put out greatness and so far it's been Oops, all Bangers! Always love the updates! Looking forward to what is next for the OtakuVS crew.


what was Otakuvs cooking?


i'm excited for the merch ^^

Gobbo Tits

actually so hyped for when this drops


hell yeah, fantastic news! yall always put out top tier content AND merch.


I'm glad I signed up for the tier with the merch shipments, it means I always forget who Joe is, but then remember what awesome merch you guys ship out! The quality's getting better and better, too!


Hyped for this tier - and for that game to release. Gonna be a good climax to this year.


Any update on the game?

